SB 2371 - Testimony

A Amendment M Marked Up
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Hearing Date Time Committee Name Organization Role City
Position Document
04/24 11:30 AM Conference Committee Bob Paulson Senator ND Neutral 27847
03/30 09:00 AM House Agriculture Paul Thomas ND In Favor 27094
03/30 09:00 AM House Agriculture Nick Hacker In Favor 27093
04/21 06:00 PM Conference Committee Bob Paulson Senator ND Neutral 27810
04/21 06:00 PM Conference Committee Bob Paulson Senator ND Neutral 27809
04/21 06:00 PM Conference Committee Paul Thomas Representative ND Neutral 27808
04/24 11:30 AM Conference Committee Bob Paulson Senator ND Neutral 27848
04/24 04:00 PM Conference Committee Bob Paulson Senator ND Neutral 27860
04/24 04:00 PM Conference Committee Bob Paulson Senator ND Neutral 27859
02/08 02:30 PM Senate Judiciary Mark A. Schramek Cirrus Aircraft Executive Director, Corporate & Government Affairs Duluth, MN In Opposition 19677
02/08 02:30 PM Senate Judiciary Barry Wilfahrt The Chamber Grand Forks / East Grand Forks President & CEO Grand Forks, ND In Opposition 19649
02/08 02:30 PM Senate Judiciary Keith Lund Grand Forks Region Economic Development Corporation President & CEO Grand Forks, ND In Opposition 19590
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Judiciary Jonathan Sickler Senator ND Neutral 21136
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Judiciary Bob Paulson Senator ND In Favor 20671
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Judiciary Bob Paulson Senator ND In Favor 20670
03/16 10:00 AM House Agriculture Travis Zoblotney ND In Favor 25601
03/16 10:00 AM House Agriculture Nick Hacker In Opposition 25600
03/16 10:00 AM House Agriculture Lisa Feldner Enel North America Government Affairs Bismarck, ND In Opposition 25518
03/16 10:00 AM House Agriculture Samuel A. Wagner Dakota Resource Council Ag and Food Field Organizer Bismarck, ND In Favor 25479
03/16 10:00 AM House Agriculture Pete Hanebutt North Dakota Farm Bureau Bismarck, ND In Favor 25469
03/16 10:00 AM House Agriculture Todd Leake leake bros farms leake bros farms EMERADO, ND In Favor 25292
03/16 10:00 AM House Agriculture Keith Lund Grand Forks Region Economic Development Corporation President & CEO Grand Forks, ND Neutral 25289
03/16 10:00 AM House Agriculture Lilly R. Funk Head Start Assistant Teacher Minot, ND In Favor 23819
03/30 02:30 PM House Agriculture Nick Hacker In Favor 27130
03/31 09:00 AM House Agriculture Paul Thomas ND In Favor 27173
04/06 10:00 AM House Agriculture Paul Thomas ND In Favor 27353
04/06 10:00 AM House Agriculture Josh Christy ND In Favor 27352

TESTIMONY DISCLAIMER: The Legislative Council is not responsible for the content, accuracy, or appropriateness of testimony submitted during the Legislative Session. The Legislative Council reserves the right to redact confidential or explicit information on testimony displayed to the public. The testimony displayed on this page is updated periodically to include additional submissions and might not represent a complete record of the hearing. Testimony can be submitted for future meetings held within the current Legislative Session from the Hearings tab.