SB 2363 - Video

A Amendment S SPA
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
02/03 09:00 AM 18 Senate Finance and Taxation SB 2363
02/03 09:01 AM 18 Senate Finance and Taxation Senator Robert Erbele - District 28 - Introduced SB 2363
02/10 09:53 AM 23 Senate Finance and Taxation SB 2363
02/10 09:53 AM 23 Senate Finance and Taxation Senator Robert Ebele - District 28 - Introduced Proposed Amendments for SB 2363 - Testimony #36644
02/10 10:10 AM 23 Senate Finance and Taxation Senator Dale Patten Moved a Do Pass on Amended Amendment for SB 2363 - LC #23.1333.02001
02/10 10:13 AM 23 Senate Finance and Taxation Senator Michelle Powers Moved a Do Pass on SB 2363 as Amended and Re-Referred to Appropriations
02/10 10:13 AM 23 Senate Finance and Taxation Roll Call Vote on SB 2363 as Amended - Motion Passed - 5-1-0
02/10 10:14 AM 23 Senate Finance and Taxation Chairman Mark Weber Carried SB 2363 as Amended
02/12 01:11 PM 25 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2363 - Finance and Taxation - Do Pass 25.1333.02000
25.1333.02001 A
25.1333.03000 E
02/12 01:11 PM 25 Senate Senator Weber 25.1333.02000
25.1333.02001 A
25.1333.03000 E
02/17 10:27 AM 28 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Committee Work: SB 2363
02/18 04:49 PM 29 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Committee Work - SB 2363
02/19 11:07 AM 30 Senate Appropriations SB 2363
02/19 11:08 AM 30 Senate Appropriations Senator Erbele Introduced SB 2363 - #38072
02/19 11:13 AM 30 Senate Appropriations Senator Erbele Moved Do Pass SB 2363
02/19 11:14 AM 30 Senate Appropriations Discussion
02/19 11:18 AM 30 Senate Appropriations Discussion
02/19 11:25 AM 30 Senate Appropriations Motion Passed 8-7-1
02/19 11:37 AM 30 Senate Appropriations Senator Erbele Withdrew Do Pass motion SB 2363
02/19 11:37 AM 30 Senate Appropriations seconded
02/19 11:37 AM 30 Senate Appropriations Senator Davison Moved Do Pass SB 2363 as Amended from 30 to 15 mils
02/19 11:38 AM 30 Senate Appropriations Discussion
02/19 11:38 AM 30 Senate Appropriations seconded
02/19 11:40 AM 30 Senate Appropriations Motion Failed 6-9-1
02/19 11:42 AM 30 Senate Appropriations Senator Davison Moved Do Not Pass SB 2363 as Amended
02/19 11:42 AM 30 Senate Appropriations Discussion
02/19 11:46 AM 30 Senate Appropriations Motion Failed 7-8-1
02/19 11:47 AM 30 Senate Appropriations Senator Dwyer Moved SB 2363 as Amended without Committee recommendation
02/19 11:47 AM 30 Senate Appropriations seconded
02/19 11:48 AM 30 Senate Appropriations Motion 15-0-1