2025 Regular Session (69th Legislative Assembly) Conflict of Interest HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal Journals MeasureActions MeasureAction Index AlphabeticalAction Index JournalCorrections Conflictof Interest Conflict of Interest Measure Member Journal Page SB 2202 Senator Patten SJ 322 SB 2202 Senator Magrum SJ 322 HB 1394 Representative Fegley HJ 458 HB 1394 Representative Porter HJ 458 HB 1349 Representative Ista HJ 505 HB 1272 Representative Tveit HJ 507 HB 1272 Representative Dockter HJ 507 HB 1539 Representative Heilman HJ 539 HB 1038 Senator Meyer SJ 485 HB 1003 Representative Dockter HJ 668 HB 1016 Representative Berg HJ 666 SB 2280 Senator Meyer SJ 538 HB 1602 Representative Dockter HJ 717 HB 1602 Representative Kasper HJ 717 SB 2327 Senator Kessel SJ 572 HB 1473 Representative Ista HJ 755 SB 2315 Senator Larson SJ 596 SB 2315 Senator Dever SJ 596 SB 2014 Senator Dwyer SJ 586 SB 2315 Senator Dwyer SJ 596 SB 2315 Senator Cleary SJ 596 HB 1322 Representative Porter HJ 826 HB 1012 Representative Ista HJ 835 HB 1012 Representative Porter HJ 835 HB 1012 Representative Dockter HJ 835 HB 1015 Representative Berg HJ 836 HB 1013 Representative Frelich HJ 834 SB 2018 Senator Meyer SJ 611 HB 1020 Representative Berg HJ 824 HB 1397 Senator Hogue SJ 643