1997 Regular Session (55th Legislative Assembly)
Bank of North Dakota
Category | Bill |
Appropriation | SB 2015 |
Bank of Nd Access to Financial Institution Records Repeal | SB 2287 |
Bank of North Dakota Audit Authority | HB 1066 |
Beginning Entrepreneur Loan Guarantee Program and Approp. | SB 2311 |
Credit Card Payment to State Agencies | HB 1330 |
Devils Lake Outlet Finance Bonds | HB 1482 |
Disaster Borrowing by State Agencies and Appropriation | SB 2347 |
Economic Development Family Economic Security | HB 1444 |
Economic Development/finance Functions Transfer to Bank of Nd | HB 1475 |
Federal Legislation Referenced Update | HB 1155 |
Financial Institution's Employees, Exam, Exist, and Location | SB 2118 |
Higher Education Board, Budget, Reports, Authority | HB 1312 |
Nonprofit Health Service Corporation Transactions Liquidation | SB 2375 |
Public Deposit Security Pledges | SB 2157 |
Roughrider Industries Operating Fund Interest | SB 2321 |
Rural Development Fund and Appropriation | HB 1472 |
Rural Home Equity Loan Guarantee Fund Transfer | HB 1444 |
School District Emergency Revolving Loan Fund | SB 2292 |
Student Loan Interest Added to Principal | SB 2069 |
Teachers Retiree Health Benefits Fund | HB 1218 |
Tuition Credits Advance Purchase Program | SB 2166 |