All Topics 1999 Regular Session (56th Legislative Assembly) Elections Category Chapter Absentee Ballot Precincts 205 Ballot Name Rotation and Preparation 209 Constitutional Amendment - Executive Branch Officer Terms 569 County Job Development Authority Discontinuation 103 County Officer & Sheriff Elections-initiated Measure-approved 565 Election Ballots, Workers, and Petitions 204 Election Board Student Participation 203 Election Workers Exempt for Unemployment Compensation 432 Elector Qualifications, Challenges, and Absentee Ballots 200 Legislative Council Redistricting Study 633 Legislative Council Voter Registration Study 660 Political Party District Committee Membership 202 Political Party Precinct Committee Election 201 Political Subdivisions Officers, Oaths, Petitions, Elections 208 Presidential Preference Contest Rules 207 Sheriff and State's Attorney Election 98 Telephone Access Lines Excise Tax Ballot Measures 525 Write-in Candidate Certificate Filing 206 Back to Top