All Topics 1999 Regular Session (56th Legislative Assembly) Higher Education - see also Board of Higher Education Category Chapter Board of Higher Education Faculty Advisor and Repeals 154 Budget Section Nonresident Tuition Approval Elimination 161 Constitutional Amendment-board of Higher Education Membership 568 Foundation & Alumni Association Donor Records Confidentiality 397 Guarantee Loan Program Powers of Bank of North Dakota 194 Guarantee Loan Reserve Fund Requirements 195 Health Information Confidentiality 232 Higher Education Institution Fund Deposits 155 Higher Education Institution Reference-constitution Amendment 567 Higher Education Law Revisions 157 Higher Education Reports to Legislative Council 158 Higher Education Savings Plan 84 Higher Education Staff Not in Classified Service 473 Lease-purchase Agreement Alteration by Board of Higher Ed 160 Legislative Council Higher Education Health Services Study 654 Legislative Council Medical School Training Expansion Study 573 Legislative Council Student Recruitment Study 656 Midwestern Regional Higher Education Compact 3 National Guard Tuition Waiver 324 Postsecondary Enrollment Options Program 185 Und Bookstore Construction Authorization and Appropriation 49 Und Winter Sports Facility Construction 159 University Health Service Patient Records Confidentiality 398 Work Force Training and Institution Name Changes 439 Back to Top