All Topics 2003 Regular Session (58th Legislative Assembly) Repeals by Subject Matter Category Chapter Addiction Hospital Licensing 432 Assisted Living Facility Licensing and Registration 429 Athlete Agent Regulation 81 Bonds of Public Officers 380 Bureau of Criminal Investigation and State Toxicologist 469 Charitable Solicitations Restrictions 419 Child-placing Agency Licensure Appeals 417 Comprehensive Health Association Provisions 239 Confiscatory Agricultural Price Court Powers Repeal 270 Corporate Income Tax Obsolete Provisions 528 Departmental Emergency Funds 571 Developmental Disability Services Purchase 231 Employment Security Bureau Powers 446 Ethanol Production Incentives 57 Foreign Domestic Violence Protection Orders 123 Health Information Disclosure 211 Highway Patrol Retirement Benefit Limitations 308 Human Services Assessment Process 427 Information Technology Reviews 568 Insurance Fraud 235 Insurance Product Liability and Malpractice Reports 245 Land Board Fund Balance Apportionment 129 Law Enforcement Training 101 Limited Partnerships 85 Medical Assistance Effective Date 421 Medical Center Loans and Insurance 141 Mental Illness Information Disclosure 225 Motor Vehicle Registration Fee Allocation 12 Multistate Discussions Restreamlined Sales Tax 538 Newspaper Affidavits Filed With County Auditors 392 Oaths and State Employee Minimum Wage 388 Occupational Therapist Consulations 375 Organic Food Standards 64 Park Capital Projects and Bonds 42 Parolee Supervision and Hearings 102 Penitentiary Inmate Transfer to State Hospital Repeal 97 Pesticide Advisory Board 186 Pesticide Emperimental Use Permits 188 Potato Wholesale Dealers Licenses and Fees 56 Poultry Brands and Estray Sales 287 Presidential Preference Contest 174 Public Employees Retirement System Benefit Limitations 498 Redemption of Warrants by State Treasurer 467 Retail Contract Cost Calculation 435 School Board Nepotism and Teacher Employment 151 School Board Powers 138 School District Revolving Equipment and Software Fund Repeal 148 Securities Act Registration 82 Shared Work Unemployment Compensation Repeal 444 Small Employer Carrier Health Reinsurance Program 256 Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Charges 539 Tax Deduction for Dividends 529 Teachers Qualifications 157 Telephone Directory Notices 403 Transportation Aid Payments 569 Uniform Arbitration Act 280 Voting Machines 171 Wage and Working Condition Rule Adoption 281 Workers' Compensation Binding Arbitration and Death Benefits 562 Workers' Compensation Various Provisions 564 Workforce Training Fund Distribution Repeal 445 Back to Top