All Topics 2003 Regular Session (58th Legislative Assembly) Secretary of State Category Chapter Absentee Voting and Early Voting Precincts 175 Agency Reports to Governor and Secretary of State 459 Appropriation 23 Boxing Regulation Exemption for Certain Organizations 448 Campaign Contributions 176 Central Voter File and Voter Identification 172 Charitable Solicitations Restrictions 419 Contractor's Licenses and Complaints 357 Emergency Commission Petitions and Members 571 Fees and Service of Secretary of State 464 Fictitious and Trade Name Electronic Filing 390 Foreign Limited Partnership Registration 389 Leglislative Certificates of Election and Members Roll 457 Notary Public Seals and Fees 387 Political Party Organization 173 Presidential Preference Caucuses 174 Service Marks Registration and Protection 394 Ucc Financing and Termination Statements 354 Uniform Athlete Agents Act 81 Vacancies in Nominations and Legislative Office 178 Voting System Certification and Grievances 171 Back to Top