All Topics 2005 Regular Session (59th Legislative Assembly) United States - see also Congress; President Category Chapter Agricultural Commodity Country of Origin Labeling Urged 685 Agricultural Disaster Assistance Legislation Urged 638 Amtrak Funding for Passenger Rail System Urged 686 Budget Section Block Grant Hearings 665 Certified Beef and Livestock Loan Programs 57 Congress to Allow Cuban Travel and Banking 680 Congress to Remove Wetland Mitigation for Highway Const 649 Congress Urged Not to Impinge State Regulation of Insurance 663 Congress Urged to Protect Sugar Industry From Cafta 677 Department of Defense Training Inititative Use of Nd Urged 664 Educators to Teach Flag History, Respect, and Etiquette 678 Faa Urged to Maintain Air Traffic Facility in Grand Forks 662 Federal Block Grants for Community Action Agencies 530 Federal Funds Deposit 486 Federal Hunting in Unharvested Crops Repeal Urged 626 Federal Mineral Royalties Expenditures for Public Facilities 171 Furs Proceeds to Usda Wildlife Services 56 Highway and Transit Program Funding Reauthorization Urged 693 Lake Oahe Water Level Retention Urged 637 Lake Sakakawea Water Level Maintenance Urged 644 Lake Sakakawea Water Supply Protection Urged 645 Military Bases in North Dakota Support Urged 641 Missouri River Low-water Remediation Urged 683 Social Security System Reform and Strengthening Urged 660 Taiwan-united States Free Trade Agreement Urged 642 Taylor Grazing Act Fund Allocation to School Districts 170 United States to Ban Canadian Beef 679 United Tribes Technical College Funding Urged 682 Usda Urged to Maintain Trade Restrictions on Canadian Beef 630 Back to Top