Category | Bill |
Afterhours Emergency Care by Veterinarians Study | SB 2395 |
Animal Abuse Report | SB 2271 |
Big Game and Farmed Elk Facility Regulation | HB 1210 |
Congress Examine National Animal Identification System | SCR 4019 |
Congress Regulate Horse Processing Facilities | SCR 4021 |
Congress Urged to Allow Taking Elk in Roosevelt National Park | HCR 3007 |
Congress Urged to Reduce Elk Population at Roosevelt Park | SCR 4012 |
Dog Ownership, Training, & Testing Support | SCR 4005 |
Equine Activity Liability Limits | HB 1228 |
Equine Processing Facility Feasibility Study | HB 1496 |
Feral Swine Regulation, Control, and Destruction | HB 1110 |
Gun Dog Training | HB 1499 |
Law Enforcement Support Animal Killing or Injury | SB 2210 |
Life Science Industries Promotion | SB 2372 |
Predatory, Destructive, & Injurious Animal Control | HB 1125 |
Rabies Determinations | HB 1386 |
Service Animal Killing or Injury | SB 2211 |
Usfws Urged Not to List Black-tailed Prairie Dog | HCR 3021 |