Category | Bill |
Congress Apology for Treatment of Native Americans | SCR 4007 |
Congress Examine National Animal Identification System | SCR 4019 |
Congress Exempt Hydraulic Fracturing From Water Regulation | SCR 4020 |
Congressional Vacancy Special Election | HB 1452 |
Congress Provide Affordable Prescription Drugs | SCR 4023 |
Congress Regulate Horse Processing Facilities | SCR 4021 |
Congress Repeal Tax Subsidies for Offshore Jobs | SCR 4022 |
Congress to Adopt Veterans Remembered Flag | SCR 4008 |
Congress to Promote Travel to the United States | SCR 4016 |
Congress Urged Not to Enact Hasty Climate Change Leg | HCR 3030 |
Congress Urged Not to Enact Unfunded Education Mandates | HCR 3022 |
Congress Urged to Allow Offshore Drilling | HCR 3039 |
Congress Urged to Allow Taking Elk in Roosevelt National Park | HCR 3007 |
Congress Urged to Avoid North American Union | HCR 3040 |
Congress Urged to Oppose Carbon Dioxide Emission Standards | HCR 3038 |
Congress Urged to Protect Railroad Shippers | HCR 3034 |
Congress Urged to Reduce Elk Population at Roosevelt Park | SCR 4012 |
Congress Urged to Reject Freedom of Choice Act | HCR 3015 |
Congress Urged to Resist Income Tax Increases | HCR 3032 |
Congress Urged to Retain Navigable Water in Clean Water Act | HCR 3014 |
Congress Urged to Support Beneficial Biotechnology | HCR 3028 |
Employee Free Choice Act Opposition Urged | SCR 4033 |
Federal Mandate Opposition Under Tenth Amendment | HCR 3063 |
Immigration Policy Support | SCR 4003 |
Make Red River Valley Authority a Federal Agency | SCR 4035 |
Pesticide Exemption Urged for Epa Rule | HCR 3067 |
Pow-mia Independent Counsel Investigation Urged | HCR 3065 |
Red River Valley Research Corridor Accomplishments | HCR 3025 |
Roxana Saberi Release Support | HCR 3064 |
United States Senate Vacancy | HB 1439 |