All Topics 2009 Regular Session (61st Legislative Assembly) Effective Date Clause - Bills Carrying Category Chapter Additional Fte Position Authorization 7/1/09 470 Age for School Admission 7/1/10 171 Agricultural Prop Assessment Soil Survey Use Deadline 1/1/09 531 Angel Fund Investment Income Tax Credits 1/1/09 547 Beneficiated Coal Exemptions 7/1/09 562 Biofuels Blender Pump & Renewable Energy Grants 7/1/09 193 Blind Person Property Tax Exemption 1/1/09 525 Captive Real Estate Investment Trust Dividend Add-back 1/1/09 544 Carbon Dioxide Capture Tax Credit 1/1/10 583 Cemetery Exemption From Special Assessments 4/29/09 348 Child Support Enforcement Revisions 7/1/10 419 Cigarette Reduced Ignition Propensity 8/1/10 196 Coal Conversion Tax Repowering and Beneficiated Coal 7/1/09 584 Complaints, Summons, & Administrative Hearing Appeals 1/1/10 279 Concealed Firearm Reciprocal Licensing 7/1/11 605 Const Amend - North Dakota Legacy Fund From Oil Tax 7/1/11 641 Dentists, Assistants, & Hygienists Pract & Licensing 3/1/10 369 Disabled Veteran Property Tax Exemption & Approp 1/1/09 529 Dividends Taxed at Capital Gains Rate 1/1/09 551 Education Law and Funding Restructuring - Various 175 Electronic Filing of Unemploy Cont & Wage Reports 1/1/10 442 Flared Gas Electric Generation Exemption 7/1/09 574 Gas Processing Materials Sales Tax Exemption 7/1/09 565 Geothermal Energy Device Income Tax Credit 1/1/09 552 Highway-rail Grade Crossing Projects 7/1/09 573 Home Rule Targeted Property Taxes Prohibited 1/1/09 111 Homestead Credit Qualification 1/1/09 528 Homestead Income Tax Credit for Agricultural Property 12/1/09 548 Icdisc Income Tax Distributions Deduction 1/1/09 543 Indian Reservation County Economic Assistance Programs 7/1/10 410 Indian Tribe Sales Tax Exemption 7/1/09 560 Insurance Commissioner Income Tax Setoff 1/1/09 555 Insurance Producer License & Continuing Education 1/1/10 252 Irrigation Equipment Repair Part Sales Tax Exemption 7/1/09 557 Legislative Compensation Adjustments - Various 633 Lodging & Mileage for Employees & Leg Compensation - Various 386 Long-form Income Tax Form Elimination - Various 545 Long-term Care Plan Income Tax Credit 1/1/09 550 Manufacturer Rebate Exclusion From Vehicle Excise Tax 7/1/09 568 Marketing Cooperative Income Tax Deduction 4/30/09 542 Military Service Employer Salary Income Tax Credit 1/1/09 549 Mistake in Township Levy Corrected 1/1/09 537 New Construction Property Tax Assessments Exemption 1/1/09 527 New Construction Property Tax Exemptions 1/1/09 526 Nursing Home Rates & Appropriation - Contingent 432 Office of Management and Budget Appropriation 6/30/11 632 Oil and Gas Tax Allocations to Counties 7/1/09 575 Oil Extraction Tax Rates and Exemptions 5/1/09 577 Oil or Gas Pipeline Central Assessment 1/1/10 532 Oilseed Assessments 7/1/09 83 Pari-mutuel Wagering Taxes 7/1/09 455 Pers Various Changes 3/1/11 514 Property Tax Relief by School Allocations 1/1/09 535 Pull Tab Bingo Excise Tax Reduction 7/1/09 453 Purchase Price & Tax on Leases of Motor Vehicles 7/1/09 567 Racing Commission Appropriation 7/1/11 635 Railroad Crossings and Warning Devices 1/1/10 405 Rec & Electric Power Tax Changes 1/1/10 539 Renaissance Zone Duration, Credits, & Extension 1/1/09 354 Renaissance Zone Tax Incentives, Transf, & Boundaries 1/1/09 353 Renewable Energy Device Income Tax Credit 1/1/09 546 Retirement and Investment Agencies Appropriations 7/1/10 22 Sales Tax for Items Delivered Electronically 7/1/09 563 Security Freeze Temporary Lifting on Consumer Files 5/1/09 438 Soil Conservation District Mill Rate 1/1/09 74 Soybean and Canola Equipment Income Tax Credit 1/1/09 553 Sparkling Wine Tax Rate Reduced 7/1/09 92 Special Fuels Tax Refund for Refrigeration Unit 7/1/09 572 Statewide Automated Victim Info & Notif System - Contingent 137 Streamlined Sales Tax Revisions 7/1/09 556 Surviving Spouse Farm Residence Exemption 1/1/09 524 Sustainably Grown Agricultural Commodity Promotion 7/1/11 68 Tax Law Obsolete References & Microbrew Pubs 7/1/09 87 Tax Law Technical Corrections 7/1/09 559 Tax Law Technical Corrections - Various 541 Tax Technical Corrections 1/1/09 530 Trauma System Designation & Quick Resp Unit Licensing 1/1/10 214 Trust Funds Managed by Land Board - Contingent 153 Ucc Termination Statement 8/1/01 355 Uniform Adlt Grdnshp & Protect Proceed Jursdict Act - Various 278 Uniform Interstate Family Support Act - Contingent 152 Wheat Assessment 7/1/09 84 Wind Generator Sales Tax Exemption 7/1/09 564 Workers' Comp Total Disability Benefit Adjustments 7/1/09 621 Back to Top