Congress Urged Not to Enact Unfunded Education Mandates |
659 |
Congress Urged to Allow Offshore Drilling |
668 |
Congress Urged to Allow Taking Elk in Roosevelt Natl Park |
647 |
Congress Urged to Reject Freedom of Choice Act |
652 |
Congress Urged to Resist Income Tax Increases |
666 |
Congress Urged to Retain Nav Water in Clean Water Act |
651 |
Congress Urged to Support Beneficial Biotechnology |
664 |
Congress Urged to Use Common Sense on Climate Change Leg |
665 |
Const Amend - North Dakota Legacy Fund From Oil Tax |
641 |
Const. Art. X Sec. 18 Study |
656 |
Council for the Social Studies Recognized |
657 |
Federal Mandate Opposition Under Tenth Amendment |
676 |
Leg Council Criminal Offense Monetary Amount Grading Study |
660 |
Leg Council Legal Representation in Wsi Decisions Study |
650 |
Leg Council Severed & Abandoned Mineral Rights Study |
672 |
Legislative Council Administrative Rule Penalties Study |
674 |
Legislative Council Agriculture Laws Rewrite Study |
642 |
Legislative Council Brochure of Indicators & Statistics |
667 |
Legislative Council Grain Warehouse & Buyer Bonding Study |
673 |
Legislative Council Indian Education Study |
644 |
Legislative Council Indian Student Educ Delivery Study |
675 |
Legislative Council Llc Laws Revision Study |
645 |
Legislative Council Tribal Social Service Programs Study |
643 |
Legislative Council Uniform Debt-management Serv Act Study |
646 |
Legislative Council Wind Rights Study |
671 |
Legislative Council Workers' Compensation Laws Study |
648 |
Multiple Sclerosis Eradication Support |
670 |
Napoleon Ffa Team National Championship Congratulations |
663 |
North Dakota Close-up Day |
655 |
Participation Urged in Census 2010 |
654 |
Pesticide Exemption Urged for Epa Rule |
679 |
Pow-mia Independent Counsel Investigation Urged |
678 |
Red River Valley Research Corridor Accomplishments |
661 |
Roxana Saberi Release Support |
677 |
School Districts Urged to Teach Financial Literacy |
653 |
Suicide Prevention Organizations Recognition |
669 |
Support of Regional Disaster Response |
649 |
Usda Urged to Allow State to Reg Industrial Hemp Farming |
662 |
Usfws Urged Not to List Black-tailed Prairie Dog |
658 |