All Topics 2009 Regular Session (61st Legislative Assembly) United States - see also Congress; President Category Chapter Congressional Vacancy Special Election 186 Congress & President to Promote Travel to the United States 691 Congress Urged Not to Enact Unfunded Education Mandates 659 Congress Urged to Allow Taking Elk in Roosevelt National Park 647 Congress Urged to Reject Freedom of Choice Act 652 Congress Urged to Retain Navigable Water in Clean Water Act 651 Congress Urged to Support Beneficial Biotechnology 664 Congress Urged to Use Common Sense on Climate Change Leg 665 Declaration of Independence & Constitution in Curriculum 176 Employee Free Choice Act Opposition Urged 700 Federal Economic Stimulus or Fiscal Relief Funding 501 Federal Mandate Opposition Under Tenth Amendment 676 Flags to Be Manufactured in Usa 388 Make Red River Valley Authority a Federal Agency 702 Participation Urged in Census 2010 654 Pesticide Exemption Urged for Epa Rule 679 Pow-mia Independent Counsel Investigation Urged 678 Theodore Roosevelt on Quarters Urged 701 Usda Livestock Indemnity Regulations Urged 703 Usda Urged to Allow State to Reg Industrial Hemp Farming 662 Usfws Urged Not to List Black-tailed Prairie Dog 658 Back to Top