AN ACT to amend and reenact sections 15.1-02-16, 15.1-18-05, and 15.1-18-06, subsection 4 of section 15.1-32-01, subsection 4 of section 20.1-03-04, subsection 11 of section 25-03.1-02, subsections 3, 4, and 8 of section 25-03.3-01, section 25-03.3-07, subsection 2 of section 25-03.3-08, subsection 2 of section 25-03.3-09, sections 25-03.3-10, 25-03.3-11, and 25-03.3-12, subsection 1 of section 25-03.3-18, sections 25-03.3-19, 25-16.1-02, 25-18-01, and 25-18-15, subsection 4 of section 26.1-36-22, subsection 1 of section 27-20-34, subsection 2 of section 50-06-05.3, subsection 1 of section 50-24.1-07, subsection 9 of section 50-25.1-02, subsection 7 of section 57-38-01, and sections 57-63-01, 57-63-02, 57-63-03, and 57-63-13 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to changing mental retardation to intellectual disability and mentally retarded to individual with an intellectual disability; and to provide for reconciliation by the legislative council of these terms in statutory provisions.
Last Official Action
Filed with Secretary Of State 04/19