All Topics 2011 Regular Session (62nd Legislative Assembly) United States - see also Congress; President Category Chapter Alfalfa Deregulation Based on Science Urged 568 Congress Urged to Adopt Federal Balanced Budget Amendment 564 Congress Urged to Delegate Hydraulic Fracturing Regulation to States 528 Congress Urged to Prohibit Epa From Regulating Greenhouse Gases 541 Congress Urged to Renegotiate Fish and Wildlife Service Easements 540 Congress Urged to Repeal Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act 533 Congress Urged to Return Corps of Engineers Land 556 Constitutional Convention for Federal Debt Limit 559 Corps of Engineers Urged to Forego Water Charges 534 Epa Urged to Stay Pesticide Ruling 560 Federal Agencies Urged to Allow Road Raises for Flooding 550 Federal Employee Immunity in Emergencies 259 Federal Health Care Nullification 389 Federal Health Care Reform Study 524 Federal Land Designation Study 423 Federal Land Sales to Lessees Urged 572 Legislative Management Patient Protection Act Impact on Chand Study 558 Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Support 566 Northern Plains National Heritage Area State Funding Prohibited 383 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Enforcement 211 Ronald Reagan Day 531 Stamp Advisory Committee Urged to Issue Coal Miners Stamp 536 Tenth Amendment Sovereignty Reaffirmed 532 Usda Urged to Compensate Devils Lake Flooded Ag Landowners 551 Women Veterans' Month 55 Back to Top