AN ACT to amend and reenact subsection 2 of section 11-07-04, subsection 5 of section 11-10.2-03, subsection 3 of section 11-10.3-02, and sections 11-12-05, 11-16-10, 11-16-13, 40-02-16, and 44-02-05 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to district judge involvement in determining county commissioner terms of office, appointing individuals to fill county commission vacancies, receiving written documents consenting to county reorganization plans, approving state's attorneys expenses, and appointing arbitrators for disputes between a township and a newly organized municipality; and to repeal sections 11-16-11 and 11-16-12 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to state's attorney submission of a statement of expenses to a district judge.
Last Official Action
Filed with Secretary Of State 03/27