AN ACT to create and enact a new section to chapter 39-03.1 and a new section to chapter 54-52 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to expiration of the increase in highway patrolmen's retirement plan and public employees retirement system member and employer contributions; to amend and reenact sections 39-03.1-09 and 39-03.1-10, subsection 4 of section 54-52-01, sections 54-52-02.9, 54-52-05, 54-52-06, 54-52-06.1, 54-52-06.2, 54-52-06.3, and 54-52.6-01, subsection 6 of section 54-52.6-02, and sections 54-52.6-02 and 54-52.6-09 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to increased employer and employee contributions under the highway patrolmen's retirement plan and public employees retirement system and eligibility to participate in the defined contribution retirement plan; to provide for a legislative management study; to provide an appropriation; to provide an effective date; and to provide an expiration date.
Last Official Action
Filed with Secretary Of State 05/01