A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact subdivision a of subsection 1 of section 57-35.3-02, subsections 1 and 3 of section 57-38-01.3, sections 57-38-01.24, 57-38-01.25, and 57-38-01.26, subsection 6 of section 57-38-01.27, sections 57-38-01.31, 57-38-01.32, 57-38-01.33, 57-38-30, and 57-38-30.5, subsections 3 and 4 of section 57-38-40, section 57-38.1-16, subsection 6 of section 57-38.5-01, and sections 57-38.5-03 and 57-38.6-03 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to corporate income tax rates, deductions, and credits; and to provide an effective date.
Last Official Action
Second reading, failed to pass, yeas 0 nays 47