2013 Regular Session (63rd Legislative Assembly)
Labor and Employment
Category | Bill |
Appropriation for Early Childhood Service Provider Support | SB 2244 |
Appropriation to Upgrade Data on Oil-related Employment | HB 1358 |
Budget Section Report on Wsi Single State Entities Program | HB 1081 |
Child Support, Paternity, and Employer Reports | SB 2107 |
Department of Labor and Human Rights Name Change | HB 1369 |
Designated Medical Provider Program | HB 1052 |
Development Fund, Ethanol Reports, and New Jobs Training | HB 1113 |
Discrimination Prohibition if Based on Sexual Orientation | SB 2252 |
Emergency Responder Job Protection | SB 2062 |
Employer Not to Require Employee Internet Account Information | HB 1455 |
Employer Purposes for Withholding From Employee Compensation | SB 2247 |
Garnishment Notice and Summons Service | SB 2140 |
Governmental Construction Project Open and Fair Competition | HB 1270 |
Health Benefit Plans | SB 2337 |
Housing Costs of Employees in Basic Care Facility Ratesetting | HB 1384 |
Law Enforcement Officer Defined for Wsi Purposes | SB 2134 |
Liens for Contributions Owed to Job Service Nd | HB 1112 |
Lockout Unemployment Insurance Eligibility | SB 2100 |
Motor Carrier Overtime Pay Exemption | HB 1295 |
National Guard Code of Justice, Civil Relief Act, and Number Plates | SB 2073 |
New Construction Business Unemployment Premiums | HB 1462 |
Noncharging Benefits to Accounts of Base Period Employer | HB 1111 |
Nursing Home and Basic Care Ratesetting and Employee Health Insurance | HB 1170 |
Oil Employment Statistics Update Appropriation | SB 2028 |
Pain as Symptom for Preexisting Injury Compensable Injury Purposes | HB 1163 |
Penitentiary Employees and Department of Corrections Employees | HB 1118 |
Permanent Partial Impairment Determinations | SB 2050 |
Preexisting Medical Conditions Wsi Treatment Study | SB 2297 |
School District Veterans Employment Preference | SB 2201 |
State Minimum Wage Determination | HB 1414 |
Transitional Employment Funding for Mental Illness or Chemical Dependent | SB 2182 |
Unemployment Benefit False Statement Penalty | SB 2111 |
Unemployment Eligibility in Lockout Situation | SB 2224 |
Veterans Preference by Private Employers | SB 2127 |
Volunteer Firefighter Wage Loss Determination for Wsi | SB 2321 |
Workers' Compensation Coverage of Mental Injuries | HB 1376 |
Workers Compensation Vehicle Allowance for Catastrophic Injury | SB 2178 |
Workforce Development Grants for Tribal Colleges | SB 2218 |
Wsi Independent Medical Examinations and Treating Doctors' Opinions | SB 2298 |
Wsi Liaison Program for Injured Workers | HB 1457 |
Wsi Medical Provider Transparency | HB 1053 |
Wsi Premiums, Penalties, Assignment of Claims, Practitioner Benefits | SB 2080 |
Wsi Various Changes | HB 1080 |