AN ACT to create and enact sections 13-04.1-18, 13-08-16, and 13-11-31 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the customer information of money brokers, deferred presentment service providers, and debt-settlement providers; to amend and reenact sections 13-04.1-01.1, 13-04.1-02.1, 13-04.1-04, 13-04.1-09, 13-04.1-15, 13-05-04, and 13-05-05.1, subsection 13 of section 13-09-02, sections 13-09-03 and 13-09-07.1, and subsections 1 and 2 of section 13-10-03 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to money brokers, collection agencies, money transmitters, and mortgage loan originators; and to declare an emergency.
Last Official Action
Filed with Secretary Of State 04/09