Sponsor Inquiry - House Judiciary

Sponsor Inquiry

Committee Information
64th Legislative Assembly (2015-17)

Bills Introduced by House Judiciary Total Bills Introduced:   9

Primary Sponsor

HB 1136

  • AN ACT to create and enact chapter 10-32.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the regulation of limited liability companies and foreign liability companies; to amend and reenact subsections 5 and 12 of section 10-01.1-02, sections 10-06.1-05, 10-06.1-12, 10-06.1-14, and 10-06.1-17, subsections 27, 31, and 34 of section 10-19.1-01, paragraph 2 of subdivision e of subsection 1 and subdivision c of subsection 6 of section 10-19.1-13, subsection 9 of section 10-19.1-100, subsection 3 of section 10-19.1-102, paragraph 2 of subdivision e of subsection 2 of section 10-19.1-104.1, subsection 1 of section 10-31-02.1, section 10-31-03.1, subdivision a and paragraph 3 of subdivision b of subsection 2 and subsections 5 and 6 of section 10-31-13, subdivisions a and b of subsection 7 of section 10-31-13.1, paragraph 2 of subdivision e of subsection 1 and subdivision c of subsection 6 of section 10-33-10, subsection 1 of section 10-33-72, sections 10-36-03, 38-08.1-03, and 43-07-19, subsection 23 of section 45-10.2-02, paragraph 2 of subdivision f of subsection 1 and subdivision c of subsection 6 of section 45-10.2-10, paragraph 2 of subdivision a of subsection 2 of section 45-10.2-94, paragraph 2 of subdivision e of subsection 1 and subdivision c of subsection 6 of section 45-13-04.1, subdivision b of subsection 1 and paragraph 2 of subdivision a of subsection 11 of section 45-21-01, paragraph 2 of subdivision e of subsection 1 and subdivision c of subsection 5 of section 45-22-04, paragraph 2 of subdivision a of subsection 13 of section 45-23-01, paragraph 2 of subdivision f of subsection 1 and subdivision c of subsection 5 of section 45-23-03, section 50-22-02.2, and subsection 3 of section 54-44.4-09 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to limited liability companies; to repeal chapter 10-32 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to limited liability companies; and to provide a penalty.

    Last Official Action
    Filed with Secretary Of State 04/15

    Cosponsored Bills
    No other bills found for committee.