Category | Bill |
Aircraft Registration and Fees | SB 2109 |
Application Fee for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity | SB 2123 |
Authority of Governing Body to Establish Administrative Boards | SB 2371 |
Brewer Taproom Licenses | SB 2325 |
Commissions and Fees Charged by Bail Bond Agents | SB 2270 |
Energy Conversion and Transmission Facility Siting Fees | SB 2120 |
Environmental Quality Restoration Fund | HB 1271 |
Fee for Electric Vehicles | HB 1334 |
Fees Allowed to Be Charged by Abstractors | HB 1148 |
Fees and Reimbursement Charged by Bail Bond Agents | SB 2270 |
Fees for Licensure as Contractor | SB 2278 |
Petroleum Tank Registration Fees | SB 2132 |
Public Warehouse Licenses | SB 2301 |
Snowmobile Registration Fees | SB 2164 |
State Highway Tax Distribution Fund Noncriminal Traffic Offense Fees | HB 1171 |
State Parks Motor Vehcile Fees Increase | SB 2111 |
Study of Recorder Fees | SB 2141 |