Sponsor Inquiry - Senate Human Services

Sponsor Inquiry

Committee Information
66th Legislative Assembly (2019-21)

Bills Introduced by Senate Human Services Total Bills Introduced:   8

Primary Sponsor

SB 2124

  • AN ACT to create and enact five new sections to chapter 50-01.1 and chapter 50-35 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to creation of human service zones; to amend and reenact sections 11-16-01 and 11-23-01, subdivision c of subsection 1 of section 14-02.1-02.1, sections 14-08.1-01, 14-09-06.3, 14-09-06.4, 14-09-12, 14-09-19, 14-10-05, and 14-15-01, subdivision i of subsection 1 of section 14-15-09, sections 14-15-11, 14-15-12, and 14-15-12.1, subsection 3 of section 14-15-13, sections 23-06-03, 23-41-01, 23-41-06, 25-04-08.1, and 25-04-11, subsection 2 of section 25-04-16, sections 26.1-45-13, 27-20-02, 27-20-11, 27-20-20.1, 27-20-30, and 27-20-30.1, subsection 2 of section 27-20-31, sections 27-20-38, 27-20-44, 27-20-45, 27-20-47, 27-20-49, and 27-20-54, subsection 2 of section 27-21-12, section 30-16-04, subsection 1 of section 30.1-26-01, subsection 3 of section 30.1-28-11, subdivision h of subsection 1 of section 40-01.1-04, sections 50-01-01, 50-01-01.1, 50-01-02, 50-01-04, 50-01-13, 50-01-17, 50-01-17.1, 50-01-17.2, 50-01-17.3, 50-01-17.5, 50-01-19, 50-01-21, 50-01-26, 50-01-27, 50-01-28, 50-01-29, 50-01.1-01, 50-01.1-02, 50-01.1-03, 50-01.1-04, 50-01.2-00.1, 50-01.2-01, 50-01.2-02, 50-01.2-03, 50-01.2-03.2, 50-01.2-04, and 50-01.2-05, subsection 4 of section 50-06-01, sections 50-06-01.4, 50-06-01.9, and 50-06-05.1, subsection 3 of section 50-06-05.3, sections 50-06-05.8, 50-06-06.2, 50-06-06.5, 50-06-06.14, 50-06-12, 50-06-20, 50-06.2-01, 50-06.2-02, 50-06.2-03, 50-06.2-04, 50-06.2-06, 50-09-01, 50-09-02, 50-09-02.2, 50-09-03, 50-09-04, 50-09-06, 50-09-07, and 50-09-08, subsections 2, 3, and 4 of section 50-09-08.2, sections 50-09-08.3, 50-09-08.4, and 50-09-09, subsection 1 of section 50-09-14, sections 50-09-29 and 50-09-30, subsection 2 of section 50-11-00.1, sections 50-11.1-02, 50-11.2-01, 50-11.2-02, 50-24.1-03.1, 50-24.1-03.2, and 50-24.5-01, subsection 1 of section 50-24.5-02, sections 50-24.5-03, 50-24.5-07, 50-24.5-09, and 50-24.7-01, subsection 1 of section 50-24.7-02, sections 50-24.7-03 and 50-24.7-06, subsections 6 and 11 of section 50-25.1-02, sections 50-25.1-04.3, 50-25.2-14, 50-29-01, 50-29-02, 50-29-03, and 54-46-13, subsection 3 of section 57-15-01.1, sections 57-15-06.7 and 57-20-07.1, subsection 3 of section 57-20-07.3, subdivision b of subsection 1 of section 57-55-10, and subsection 16 of section 65-01-02 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the establishment and operation of human service zone areas, taxing district levy limitations, and property tax statements; to repeal sections 50-01-03, 50-01.1-02.1, 50-01.2-03.1, and 50-01.2-06, chapter 50-03, and sections 50-06-05.7, 50-06-06.1, 50-06-20.1, 50-06.2-05, and 50-25.1-06.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to administration of county social service boards, the county human services fund, and caseload standards; to provide for a report; to provide a penalty; to provide a contingent appropriation; to provide for the transfer of employees; to provide an effective date; to provide an expiration date; and to declare an emergency.

    Last Official Action
    Filed with Secretary Of State 04/18

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