Category | Bill |
Cigar Bars and Lounges | SB 2137 |
Cigarette Tax Rate Increase | HB 1450 |
Imposition of Tax on Liquid Nicotine | HB 1495 |
Legal Age to Use and Purchase Tobacco Products | HB 1236 |
Replacement of Multiple Forms of Taxation With a Uniform Tax on All Tobacco Products | SB 2355 |
Resolution Urging Congress and Fda to Ban Marketing and Advertising of E-cigarettes to Youth | SCR 4007 |
Smoking Restriction Exemptions - Cigar Bars | SB 2137 |
Study on Taxation of Liquid Nicotine and Electronic Smoking Devices | SB 2355 |
Taxation of Electronic Smoking Devices | SB 2355 |
Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund | |
Master Settlement Agreement | SB 2003 |