Member Video Inquiry - Representative Bellew

Video Inquiry

Biography for Representative Bellew
67th Legislative Assembly (2021-23)

Video Index for Representative Bellew, Larry

A Amendment
M Marked Up
E Engrossment

Total Videos:  133
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/26 07:36 AM 14 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1254 - Human Services - Do Not Pass 21.0706.01000
01/27 07:40 AM 15 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1143 - Education - Do Pass 21.0405.02000
02/15 08:32 AM 28 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1087 - Appropriations - Do Pass 21.8053.02000
02/16 08:56 AM 29 House 8th Order - Motions and Resolutions - HB1315 - Transportation - Do Pass - Division A
02/19 06:52 AM 32 House 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1311 - Division B - Division B
02/19 08:53 AM 32 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1023 - Appropriations - Do Pass 21.0282.02000
02/19 08:56 AM 32 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1005 - Appropriations - Do Pass 21.0264.02000
02/22 07:25 AM 33 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1114 - Appropriations - Do Not Pass 21.0255.02000
02/22 09:36 AM 33 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1464 - Division B - Division B
02/23 08:27 AM 34 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1206 - Political Subdivisions - Do Pass 21.0193.02000
02/23 10:18 AM 34 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1236 - Government and Veterans Affairs - Do Pass 21.0034.01000
03/16 08:38 AM 45 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2070 - Energy and Natural Resources - Do Pass 21.8041.02000
03/23 08:46 AM 50 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2197 - Industry, Business and Labor - Do Pass 21.0844.01000
03/25 08:48 AM 52 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2246 - Judiciary - Do Pass 21.0603.01000
04/12 08:23 AM 63 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2146 - Appropriations - Do Pass 21.0459.04000
04/12 08:44 AM 63 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2063 - Government and Veterans Affairs - Do Pass 21.8026.02000
04/13 04:30 AM Conference Committee SB 2008 - Representative Bellew
04/14 05:00 AM Conference Committee HB 1004 - Representative Bellew (Chair)
04/14 06:00 AM Conference Committee HB 1006 - Representative Bellew
04/14 10:00 AM Conference Committee HB 1010 - Representative Bellew
04/15 05:30 AM Conference Committee HB 1035 - Representative Bellew
04/15 06:00 AM Conference Committee HB 1023 - Representative Bellew (Chair)
04/15 06:02 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Calls the meeting to order for HB 1023
04/15 06:16 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Closes the meeting for HB 1023
04/15 10:00 AM Conference Committee HB 1004 - Representative Bellew (Chair)
04/15 10:03 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Called the meeting to Order for HB 1004
04/15 10:14 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Closes the meeting for HB 1004
04/19 04:30 AM Conference Committee HB 1023 - Representative Bellew (Chair)
04/19 04:31 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Called the meeting to order for HB 1023
04/19 04:31 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Called the meeting to order for HB 1023 Roll call was taken
04/19 04:36 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Closed the meeting for HB 1023
04/19 05:00 AM Conference Committee HB 1006 - Representative Bellew
04/19 05:07 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew- Explains proposed amendment 21.0265.02003
04/19 05:07 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew- Explains proposed amendment 21.0265.02003
04/19 05:07 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew- Explains proposed amendment 21.0265.02003
04/19 05:07 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew- Explains proposed amendment 21.0265.02003
04/19 05:07 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew- Explains proposed amendment 21.0265.02003
04/19 05:07 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew- Explains proposed amendment 21.0265.02003
04/19 05:07 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew- Explains proposed amendment 21.0265.02003
04/19 05:07 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew- Explains proposed amendment 21.0265.02003
04/19 05:07 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew- Explains proposed amendment 21.0265.02003
04/19 05:08 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Makes a motion to adopt the amendmtn
04/19 05:08 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Makes a motion to adopt the amendment
04/19 05:08 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Makes a motion to adopt the amendment
04/19 05:08 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Makes a motion to adopt the amendment
04/19 05:08 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Makes a motion to adopt the amendment
04/19 05:08 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Makes a motion to adopt the amendment
04/19 05:08 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Makes a motion to adopt the amendment
04/19 05:08 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Makes a motion to adopt the amendment
04/19 05:08 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Makes a motion to adopt the amendment
04/19 05:08 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Makes a motion to adopt the amendment
04/19 06:00 AM Conference Committee HB 1010 - Representative Bellew
04/19 10:00 AM Conference Committee HB 1453 - Representative Bellew (Chair)
04/19 10:03 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Called the meeting to order for HB 1453
04/19 10:03 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Called the meeting to order for HB 1453
04/19 10:03 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Called the meeting to order for HB 1453
04/19 10:03 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Called the meeting to order for HB 1453
04/19 10:03 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Called the meeting to order for HB 1453- Roll call was taken
04/19 10:03 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Called the meeting to order for HB 1453- Roll call was taken
04/19 10:03 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Called the meeting to order for HB 1453- Roll call was taken
04/19 10:13 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Closes the meeting for HB 1453
04/19 10:30 AM Conference Committee SB 2213 - Representative Bellew
04/19 11:30 AM Conference Committee HB 1035 - Representative Bellew
04/19 11:40 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Makes a motion to remove the appropriation
04/19 11:40 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Makes a motion to remove the appropriation
04/19 11:40 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Makes a motion to remove the appropriation
04/19 11:40 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Makes a motion to remove the appropriation
04/19 11:48 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Makes a motoin to remove half the appropriation
04/19 11:48 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Makes a motion to remove half the appropriation
04/20 05:00 AM Conference Committee HB 1004 - Representative Bellew (Chair)
04/20 05:04 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Called the meeting to order for HB 1004
04/20 05:18 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew Makes a motion to remove 1 FTE
04/20 05:21 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew closed the meeting for HB 1004
04/20 05:30 AM Conference Committee SB 2008 - Representative Bellew
04/20 05:38 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew - moved the Senate Accede to the House Amendments and further amend
04/20 05:38 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew - moved the Senate Accede to the House Amendments and further amend
04/20 05:38 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew - moved the Senate Accede to the House Amendments and further amend
04/20 06:00 AM Conference Committee SB 2002 - Representative Bellew
04/20 09:30 AM Conference Committee SB 2213 - Representative Bellew
04/21 03:12 AM 70 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1020 - Appropriations - Conference Committee 21.0279.03000
04/21 05:00 AM 70 Conference Committee HB 1006 - Representative Bellew
04/21 06:00 AM 70 Conference Committee HB 1453 - Representative Bellew (Chair)
04/21 06:08 AM 70 Conference Committee Representative Bellew Called the meeting to order for HB 1453
04/21 06:08 AM 70 Conference Committee Representative Bellew Called the meeting to order for HB 1453
04/21 06:08 AM 70 Conference Committee Representative Bellew Called the meeting to order for HB 1453
04/21 06:08 AM 70 Conference Committee Representative Bellew Called the meeting to order for HB 1453
04/21 06:12 AM 70 Conference Committee Representative Bellew Seconds the motion
04/21 06:12 AM 70 Conference Committee Representative Bellew Seconds the motion
04/21 06:12 AM 70 Conference Committee Representative Bellew Seconds the motion
04/21 06:12 AM 70 Conference Committee Representative Bellew Seconds the motion
04/21 06:26 AM 70 Conference Committee Representative Bellew Closes the meeting for HB 1453
04/21 06:26 AM 70 Conference Committee Representative Bellew Closes the meeting for HB 1453
04/21 06:26 AM 70 Conference Committee Representative Bellew Closes the meeting for HB 1453
04/21 06:26 AM 70 Conference Committee Representative Bellew Closes the meeting for HB 1453
04/21 07:45 AM 70 House 8th Order - Motions and Resolutions
04/21 10:00 AM 70 Conference Committee HB 1023 - Representative Bellew (Chair)
04/21 10:02 AM 70 Conference Committee Representative Bellew Called the meeting to order- Roll call was taken
04/21 10:12 AM 70 Conference Committee Representative Bellew Closes the meeting for HB 1023
04/21 11:30 AM 70 Conference Committee SB 2002 - Representative Bellew
04/22 03:29 AM 71 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2319 - Finance and Taxation - Conference Committee 21.0959.07000
04/22 06:30 AM 71 Conference Committee SB 2213 - Representative Bellew
04/22 06:33 AM 71 Conference Committee Representative Bellew seconds
04/22 09:30 AM 71 Conference Committee HB 1010 - Representative Bellew
04/22 09:53 AM 71 Conference Committee Representative Bellew Seconds
04/22 09:55 AM 71 Conference Committee Representative Bellew
04/22 10:00 AM 71 Conference Committee HB 1453 - Representative Bellew (Chair)
04/22 10:08 AM 71 Conference Committee Representative Bellew Called the meetign to order for HB 1453; roll call was taken;
04/22 10:08 AM 71 Conference Committee Representative Bellew Called the meeting to order for HB 1453; roll call was taken;
04/22 10:08 AM 71 Conference Committee Representative Bellew Called the meeting to order for HB 1453; roll call was taken;
04/22 10:08 AM 71 Conference Committee Representative Bellew Called the meeting to order for HB 1453; roll call was taken;
04/22 10:09 AM 71 Conference Committee Representative Bellew Closes the meeting for HB 1453
04/22 10:09 AM 71 Conference Committee Representative Bellew Closes the meeting for HB 1453
04/22 10:09 AM 71 Conference Committee Representative Bellew Closes the meeting for HB 1453
04/23 06:00 AM Conference Committee HB 1023 - Representative Bellew (Chair)
04/23 06:04 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew called the conference committee meeting to order.
04/23 06:25 AM Conference Committee Representative Bellew adjourned the conference committee meeting.
04/23 07:39 AM 72 House 7th Order - Consideration of Committee Report - SB2002 - Appropriations - Conference Committee 21.0284.02000
21.0284.02004 A
21.0284.02004 M
04/23 07:42 AM 72 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2002 - Appropriations - Conference Committee 21.0284.04000
04/23 09:30 AM 72 Conference Committee HB 1453 - Representative Bellew (Chair)
04/23 09:31 AM 72 Conference Committee Representative Bellew called the conference committee to order.
04/23 09:31 AM 72 Conference Committee Representative Bellewv called the conference committee to order.
04/23 09:35 AM 72 Conference Committee Representative Bellew explained proposed amendment
04/23 09:35 AM 72 Conference Committee Representative Bellew explained proposed amendment
04/23 09:35 AM 72 Conference Committee Representative Bellew explained proposed amendment 21.0022.02005 testimony #11630.
04/23 09:35 AM 72 Conference Committee Representative Bellew explained proposed amendment 21.0022.02005 testimony #11630..
04/23 09:35 AM 72 Conference Committee Representative Bellew explained proposed amendment 21.0022.02005.
04/23 09:36 AM 72 Conference Committee Representative Bellew made a motion for the Senate to recede from their amendments and further amend with amendment 21.0022.02005.
04/23 09:36 AM 72 Conference Committee Representative Bellew made a motion to move the amendment
04/23 09:36 AM 72 Conference Committee Representative Bellew made a motion to move the amendment 21.0022.02005.
04/23 09:40 AM 72 Conference Committee Representative Bellew adjourned the conference committee meeting.
04/23 10:30 AM 72 Conference Committee HB 1004 - Representative Bellew (Chair)
04/23 10:34 AM 72 Conference Committee Representative Bellew called the conference committee meeting to order.
04/23 11:00 AM 72 Conference Committee Representative Bellew adjourned the conference committee meeting.