Sponsor Inquiry - House Appropriations

Sponsor Inquiry

Committee Information
67th Legislative Assembly (2021-23)

Bills Introduced by House Appropriations Total Bills Introduced:   28

Primary Sponsor

HB 1012

  • AN ACT to provide an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the department of human services; to provide an appropriation to the state department of health; to provide an appropriation to the legislative council; to provide an appropriation to the office of management and budget; to create and enact a new section to chapter 1-02, two new sections to chapter 50-06, and a new section to chapter 50-24.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to person-first language, substance use disorder treatment voucher system grants, a behavioral health bed management system, and medical assistance coverage of interpreter services; to create and enact a new paragraph to subdivision I of subsection 1 of section 50-11.1-22 of the North Dakota Century Code as created by section 8 of House Bill No. 1416, as approved by the sixty-seventh legislative assembly, relating to the North Dakota early childhood council membership; to amend and reenact sections 50-06-42, 50-11.1-14, 50-24.1-02.7, 50-24.1-31, and 50-24.1-37 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the substance use disorder voucher program, early childhood workforce development fees, Medicaid coverage for workers with disability coverage and families of children with disabilities, and the Medicaid expansion program; to repeal section 50-24.1-18.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to consumer-directed health maintenance services; to provide an exemption; to provide a statement of legislative intent; to provide for a report; to provide for a study; to provide for a transfer; to provide for the conveyance of land; to provide an application; to provide for retroactive application; to provide an effective date; to provide an expiration date; and to declare an emergency.

    Last Official Action
    Filed with Secretary Of State 05/10

    HB 1015

  • AN ACT to provide an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the various divisions under the supervision of the director of the office of management and budget; to provide an appropriation to the state treasurer; to provide an appropriation to the department of career and technical education, the department of public instruction, the university of North Dakota, Dickinson state university, the highway patrol, the judicial branch, the department of transportation, the department of commerce, and Mayville state university; to provide a contingent appropriation to the Bank of North Dakota; to create and enact a new section to chapter 10-04, a new section to chapter 24-02, and a new subsection to section 54-44-04 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to notice filing for certain legacy fund investments, cooperative transportation agreements, and state employee salary increases; to amend and reenact subsection 1 of section 10-04-03, section 54-09-05, as amended by section 4 of House Bill No. 1002, as approved by the sixty-seventh legislative assembly, a new chapter to title 54, as created by section 3 of House Bill No. 1452, as approved by the sixty-seventh legislative assembly, subsection 3 of section 54-44-11, sections 54-44.1-18, 54-44.4-07, 54-44.4-08, 57-51.1-07.5, subsections 2 and 3 of section 57-51.1-07.7, and subsection 2 of section 57-51.1-07.8 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to qualifications of the securities commissioner, the salary of the secretary of state, the clean sustainable energy authority, the balance of the state personnel training and development operating fund, publishing political subdivision budgets, environmentally preferable products, the state share of oil and gas tax revenue allocations, the municipal infrastructure fund, and the county and township infrastructure fund; to repeal section 54-06-25 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the state employee compensation commission; to provide for a transfer; to provide for a claims payment; to provide compensation guidelines; to provide an exemption; to provide a statement of legislative intent; to provide for a legislative management study; to provide a report; and to declare an emergency.

    Last Official Action
    Filed with Secretary Of State 05/10

    Cosponsored Bills
    No other bills found for committee.