HB 1228 - Video

A Amendment M Marked Up
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/18 08:38 AM 10 House Industry, Business and Labor HB 1228
01/18 08:40 AM 10 House Industry, Business and Labor Representative D. Ruby Introduces Bill
01/18 08:53 AM 10 House Industry, Business and Labor Travis Moore Additional Testimony
01/18 08:53 AM 10 House Industry, Business and Labor Travis Moore General Counsel for Service Contract Industry Council
01/18 09:11 AM 10 House Industry, Business and Labor Hearing Closed on HB 1228
01/18 09:12 AM 10 House Industry, Business and Labor Representative Kasper Moves Do Pass
01/18 09:12 AM 10 House Industry, Business and Labor Representative B. Koppelman Seconds
01/18 09:13 AM 10 House Industry, Business and Labor Roll Call Vote on Do Pass - Motion Passes - 10-0-4
01/18 09:14 AM 10 House Industry, Business and Labor Representative D. Ruby Carries
01/18 09:14 AM 10 House Industry, Business and Labor 10 Minute Recess
01/20 12:55 PM 12 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1228 - Industry, Business and Labor - Do Pass 23.0332.01000
01/20 12:56 PM 12 House Representative D. Ruby 23.0332.01000
01/20 12:58 PM 12 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1228 - Industry, Business and Labor - Do Pass - Votes Required 48: PASSED - Yea 90 Nay 0 N/V 4 Exc 0 23.0332.01000
03/14 09:03 AM 43 Senate Industry and Business HB 1228
03/14 09:04 AM 43 Senate Industry and Business Representative D. Ruby - Introduced the bill verbally
03/14 09:15 AM 43 Senate Industry and Business Dennis Pathroff - Attorney - GA Group - Introduced Travis Moore verbally
03/14 09:16 AM 43 Senate Industry and Business Travis Moore - General Counsel - Service Contract Industry Council - Testified in Favor
03/14 09:35 AM 43 Senate Industry and Business Todd Kranda - Lobbyist - Verizon Wireless - Testified in Favor - Proposed amendments
03/14 09:38 AM 43 Senate Industry and Business David Edmonson - Vice President of State Policy & Government Relations - TechNet - Testified in Favor online
03/14 09:42 AM 43 Senate Industry and Business Hearing adjourned
03/14 09:44 AM 43 Senate Industry and Business Recess
03/21 02:20 PM 48 Senate Industry and Business HB 1228
03/21 02:28 PM 48 Senate Industry and Business Senator Klein - Moved to amend [change language on page 3 line 12]
03/21 02:29 PM 48 Senate Industry and Business Senator Barta - Seconded the motion
03/21 02:30 PM 48 Senate Industry and Business Roll call vote - 5-0-0 - Motion passed
03/21 02:30 PM 48 Senate Industry and Business Senator Barta - Moved a Do Pass as amended
03/21 02:30 PM 48 Senate Industry and Business Senator Boehm - Seconded the motion
03/21 02:30 PM 48 Senate Industry and Business Roll call vote - 5-0-0 - Motion passed
03/21 02:31 PM 48 Senate Industry and Business Senator Barta will carry the bill
03/23 01:28 PM 50 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1228 - Industry and Business - Do Pass 23.0332.01000
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03/23 01:28 PM 50 Senate Senator Barta 23.0332.01000
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03/27 02:03 PM 52 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1228 - Industry and Business - Do Pass 23.0332.02000
03/27 02:03 PM 52 Senate Senator Barta 23.0332.02000
03/27 02:04 PM 52 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1228 - Industry and Business - Do Pass - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 47 Nay 0 N/V 0 Exc 0 23.0332.02000
04/04 01:45 PM 58 House 12th Order - Consideration of Message from Senate - HB1228 - Industry, Business and Labor - Concur In 23.0332.01000
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04/04 01:45 PM 58 House Representative D. Ruby 23.0332.01000
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04/04 01:46 PM 58 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1228 - Industry, Business and Labor - Concur In 23.0332.02000
04/04 01:47 PM 58 House Representative D. Ruby 23.0332.02000
04/04 01:48 PM 58 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1228 - Industry, Business and Labor - Concur In - Votes Required 48: PASSED - Yea 91 Nay 0 N/V 3 Exc 0 23.0332.02000