HB 1455 - Video

A Amendment M Marked Up
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
02/06 09:00 AM 23 House Finance and Taxation HB 1455
02/06 09:01 AM 23 House Finance and Taxation Opened hearing
02/06 09:03 AM 23 House Finance and Taxation Andrea Pfenning - The Greater ND Chamber - In support
02/06 09:08 AM 23 House Finance and Taxation Amy Cleary - GA Group - provided testimony from Richard Glynn who will be testifying. In support
02/06 09:09 AM 23 House Finance and Taxation Shannon Fleischer - ND Tax Department responded to questions- Neutral
02/06 09:19 AM 23 House Finance and Taxation Hold the hearing open to hear from the sponsor and others
02/06 02:45 PM 23 House Finance and Taxation Committee Work: HB 1455
02/06 02:45 PM 23 House Finance and Taxation Brought 1455 back before the committee
02/06 02:45 PM 23 House Finance and Taxation Representative O'Brien - In support
02/06 02:57 PM 23 House Finance and Taxation Josh Teigen - Director of Government Affairs GNDC - In support
02/06 03:04 PM 23 House Finance and Taxation Ellen Shafer - Senior Director of Communications - Aldevron - In support
02/06 03:13 PM 23 House Finance and Taxation Randy Schneider - CPA Treasurer of ND BioScience Association and President of the Pioneer Capital Fund - In support
02/06 03:21 PM 23 House Finance and Taxation Phil Murphy - ND Soy Bean Growers - In support
02/06 03:22 PM 23 House Finance and Taxation Shannon Fleischer - ND Tax Department - Neutral
02/06 03:25 PM 23 House Finance and Taxation Recess the hearing
02/06 03:26 PM 23 House Finance and Taxation Adjourned
02/08 10:11 AM 25 House Finance and Taxation HB 1455 Reopened the hearing
02/08 10:12 AM 25 House Finance and Taxation Richard Glynn - Executive Director for Bioscience Association of ND - In support
02/08 10:17 AM 25 House Finance and Taxation Additional testimony
02/08 10:37 AM 25 House Finance and Taxation Hearing Closed
02/08 10:39 AM 25 House Finance and Taxation Recess until 11:00
02/08 10:43 AM 25 House Finance and Taxation Additional testimony
02/15 09:01 AM 30 House Finance and Taxation Committee Work: HB 1455
02/15 09:01 AM 30 House Finance and Taxation Representative Hagert presented amendment and mark-up language (23.0718.02001)
02/15 09:07 AM 30 House Finance and Taxation Representative Dockter moved the amendment 23.0718.02001
02/15 09:07 AM 30 House Finance and Taxation Representative D. Anderson seconded
02/15 09:07 AM 30 House Finance and Taxation Roll Call Vote - Motion carried - 12-2-0
02/15 09:08 AM 30 House Finance and Taxation Representative Toman - moved to further amend- p 2 starting at the comma after laboratories and striking that line and striking line 29 and put in a period
02/15 09:10 AM 30 House Finance and Taxation Representative Hagert seconded
02/15 09:12 AM 30 House Finance and Taxation Representative Toman withdrew his amendment
02/15 09:16 AM 30 House Finance and Taxation Shannon Fleischer - Associate Director with Office of State Tax Commissioner - response to questions
02/15 09:29 AM 30 House Finance and Taxation Representative J. Olson moved a Do Pass as amended
02/15 09:29 AM 30 House Finance and Taxation Representative D. Anderson seconded
02/15 09:31 AM 30 House Finance and Taxation Shannon Fleischer - Associate Director with Office of State Tax Commissioner- response to question
02/15 09:35 AM 30 House Finance and Taxation Roll Call Vote - Motion carried - 8-6-0
02/15 09:37 AM 30 House Finance and Taxation Recess
02/20 02:56 PM 33 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1455 - Finance and Taxation - Do Pass 23.0718.03000
02/20 02:57 PM 33 House Representative Hagert 23.0718.03000
02/20 02:59 PM 33 House Representative Heilman 23.0718.03000
02/20 03:00 PM 33 House Representative Headland 23.0718.03000
02/20 03:02 PM 33 House Representative Heilman 23.0718.03000
02/20 03:02 PM 33 House Representative Steiner 23.0718.03000
02/20 03:03 PM 33 House Representative Wagner 23.0718.03000
02/20 03:04 PM 33 House Representative Headland 23.0718.03000
02/20 03:06 PM 33 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1455 - Finance and Taxation - Do Pass - Votes Required 48: PASSED - Yea 54 Nay 39 N/V 1 Exc 0 23.0718.03000
03/14 10:02 AM 43 Senate Finance and Taxation HB 1455
03/14 10:03 AM 43 Senate Finance and Taxation Representative O'Brien introduced the bill - In Favor # 24835Ra
03/14 10:13 AM 43 Senate Finance and Taxation Randy Schneider - CPA - Treasurer of the North Dakota Bio Science Association - President - Pioneer Capitol Fund - In Favor - verbally
03/14 10:38 AM 43 Senate Finance and Taxation Shannon Fleisher - ND Tax Department - answered questions - Neutral
03/14 10:43 AM 43 Senate Finance and Taxation Recess
03/20 11:17 AM 47 Senate Finance and Taxation HB 1455
03/20 11:21 AM 47 Senate Finance and Taxation Charles Dendy - Legal council - Tax Department - provided additional information verbally -Neutral
03/22 09:00 AM 49 Senate Finance and Taxation HB 1455
03/22 09:01 AM 49 Senate Finance and Taxation Representative O'Brien provided information on amendment verbally
03/22 09:08 AM 49 Senate Finance and Taxation Shannon Fleisher - Tax Department provided information verbally
03/22 09:09 AM 49 Senate Finance and Taxation Senator Rummel moved AMENDMENT LC 23.0718.03000
03/22 09:10 AM 49 Senate Finance and Taxation Senator Patten seconded
03/22 09:13 AM 49 Senate Finance and Taxation Charles Dendy provided information verbally
03/22 09:15 AM 49 Senate Finance and Taxation Senator Rummel adjusts motion to move AMENDMENT LC 23.0718.03001 #27019
03/22 09:15 AM 49 Senate Finance and Taxation Senator Patten seconded
03/22 09:16 AM 49 Senate Finance and Taxation Roll Call Vote on Amendment - Motion Passed 6-0-0
03/22 09:17 AM 49 Senate Finance and Taxation Senator Rummel moved DO PASS as AMENDED
03/22 09:17 AM 49 Senate Finance and Taxation Senator Patten seconded
03/22 09:21 AM 49 Senate Finance and Taxation Representative O'Brien provided additional information verbally
03/22 09:26 AM 49 Senate Finance and Taxation Roll Call Vote on Do Pass as Amended - Motion Passed 5-1-0
03/27 10:42 AM 52 Senate Finance and Taxation HB 1455
03/27 10:42 AM 52 Senate Finance and Taxation Committee discussed proposed amendment LC 23.0718.03002 #26677
03/27 10:43 AM 52 Senate Finance and Taxation Senator Patten moved to RECONSIDER
03/27 10:43 AM 52 Senate Finance and Taxation Senator Weber seconded
03/27 10:46 AM 52 Senate Finance and Taxation Roll call vote PASSED 5-0-1
03/27 10:46 AM 52 Senate Finance and Taxation Senator Patten moved to FURTHER AMEND LC 23.0718.03002 #26677
03/27 10:47 AM 52 Senate Finance and Taxation Senator Weber seconded
03/27 10:47 AM 52 Senate Finance and Taxation Roll call vote PASSED 5-0-1
03/27 10:47 AM 52 Senate Finance and Taxation Senator Patten moved DO PASS as AMENDED
03/27 10:47 AM 52 Senate Finance and Taxation Senator Weber seconded
03/27 10:48 AM 52 Senate Finance and Taxation Roll call vote 4-1-1
03/27 10:48 AM 52 Senate Finance and Taxation Vote held open
03/27 11:18 AM 52 Senate Finance and Taxation HB 1455
03/27 11:19 AM 52 Senate Finance and Taxation Roll call vote resumed Senator Rummel total vote 5-1-0
03/29 01:23 PM 54 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1455 - Finance and Taxation - Do Pass 23.0718.03000
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03/29 01:23 PM 54 Senate Senator Rummel 23.0718.03000
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03/29 01:25 PM 54 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1455 - Finance and Taxation - Do Pass 23.0718.05000
03/29 01:25 PM 54 Senate Senator Rummel 23.0718.05000
03/29 01:27 PM 54 Senate Senator Piepkorn 23.0718.05000
03/29 01:28 PM 54 Senate Senator Rummel 23.0718.05000
03/29 01:29 PM 54 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1455 - Finance and Taxation - Do Pass - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 42 Nay 4 N/V 1 Exc 0 23.0718.05000
04/07 08:01 AM 61 Conference Committee Members Present
04/07 08:01 AM 61 Conference Committee Call to Order
04/07 08:02 AM 61 Conference Committee Senator Rummel - explained their amendments
04/07 08:04 AM 61 Conference Committee Continued discussion
04/07 08:23 AM 61 Conference Committee Adjourned
04/10 02:30 PM 62 Conference Committee HB 1455
04/10 02:32 PM 62 Conference Committee Senator Rummel Speaks on the Bill
04/10 02:40 PM 62 Conference Committee Dee Wald - General Counsel Office of the Tax Commissioner answers questions
04/10 02:46 PM 62 Conference Committee Senator Rummel Speaks on the Bill
04/10 02:49 PM 62 Conference Committee Representative Steiner Speaks on the Bill
04/10 02:51 PM 62 Conference Committee Senator Rummel Speaks on the Bill
04/12 02:30 PM 64 Conference Committee HB 1455
04/12 02:33 PM 64 Conference Committee Representative Hagert - discussed additional amendments and added a sunset
04/14 09:33 AM Conference Committee Mark-up version
04/14 09:34 AM Conference Committee Senator Rummel - Senate recede from the Senate amendments and further amend (23.0718.03009)
04/14 09:34 AM Conference Committee Representative Steiner - Seconded
04/14 09:35 AM Conference Committee Roll Call Vote - Motion Carried - 6-0-0
04/14 09:36 AM Conference Committee Carriers- Senator Rummel and Representative Hagert
04/20 12:56 PM 68 House 7th Order - Consideration of Committee Report - HB1455 - Finance and Taxation - Conference Committee 23.0718.03000
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04/20 12:56 PM 68 House Representative Hagert 23.0718.03000
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04/20 12:59 PM 68 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1455 - Finance and Taxation - Conference Committee 23.0718.06000
04/20 01:00 PM 68 House Representative Hagert 23.0718.06000
04/20 01:00 PM 68 House Representative Murphy 23.0718.06000
04/20 01:02 PM 68 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1455 - Finance and Taxation - Conference Committee - Votes Required 48: PASSED - Yea 64 Nay 27 N/V 3 Exc 0 23.0718.06000
04/21 08:38 AM 69 Senate 7th Order - Consideration of Committee Report - HB1455 - Finance and Taxation - Conference Committee 23.0718.03000
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04/21 08:38 AM 69 Senate Senator Rummel 23.0718.03000
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04/21 08:40 AM 69 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1455 - Finance and Taxation - Conference Committee 23.0718.06000
04/21 08:40 AM 69 Senate Senator Rummel 23.0718.06000
04/21 08:41 AM 69 Senate Senator Magrum 23.0718.06000
04/21 08:43 AM 69 Senate Senator Piepkorn 23.0718.06000
04/21 08:44 AM 69 Senate Senator Rummel 23.0718.06000
04/21 08:46 AM 69 Senate Senator J. Roers 23.0718.06000
04/21 08:47 AM 69 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1455 - Finance and Taxation - Conference Committee - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 42 Nay 5 N/V 0 Exc 0 23.0718.06000