SB 2018 - Video

A Amendment M Marked Up
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/09 10:20 AM 3 Senate Appropriations Committee Work: SB 2018
01/09 10:20 AM 3 Senate Appropriations Bill Peterson - director State Historical Society #12618
01/09 10:24 AM 3 Senate Appropriations Bill Peterson - additional testimony #12595
01/09 10:24 AM 3 Senate Appropriations Bill Peterson - additional testimony #12594
01/09 10:25 AM 3 Senate Appropriations Bill Peterson - additional testimony #12593
01/09 10:35 AM 3 Senate Appropriations Shane Molander - State Archivist
01/09 10:44 AM 3 Senate Appropriations Hearing Closed
01/09 10:45 AM 3 Senate Appropriations Recess
01/20 08:30 AM 12 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2018
01/20 08:31 AM 12 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Bill Peterson - Director of The State Historical Society of North Dakota
01/20 08:31 AM 12 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Bill Peterson - Additional Testimony
01/20 08:32 AM 12 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Bill Peterson - Additional Testimony
01/20 09:21 AM 12 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Closed the Public Hearing
01/31 10:14 AM 19 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Committee Work - SB 2018
01/31 10:14 AM 19 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Toby Mertz - Legislative Council - Fiscal Analyst - Green Sheet overview
01/31 10:14 AM 19 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Executive Budget Comparison to Base Level (Green Sheet) #21257
01/31 10:14 AM 19 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Executive Budget Long Sheet #21258
01/31 10:14 AM 19 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Executive Budget Long Sheet #21259
01/31 10:14 AM 19 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Executive Budget Short Form - # 23869
01/31 10:35 AM 19 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Bill Peterson - Director of State Historical Society
02/09 03:14 PM 26 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Committee Work: SB 2018
02/09 03:14 PM 26 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Senator Sorvaag called meeting to order
02/09 03:15 PM 26 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Major Jay Sheldon - Strategy and Policy Officer for The Adjacent General
02/09 03:23 PM 26 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Bill Peterson- Director of The Historical Society
02/14 09:31 AM 29 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Senator Sorvaag called meeting to order
02/14 09:31 AM 29 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Committee Work: SB 2018
02/14 09:32 AM 29 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Bill Peterson - Director - The State Historical Society provided information verbally
02/14 09:58 AM 29 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Recess
02/16 11:05 AM 31 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2018
02/16 11:06 AM 31 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Toby Mertz - LC Fiscal Analyst - Executive Budget Short Form #23787
02/16 11:06 AM 31 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Senator Meyer moved to adopt LC 23027201002
02/16 11:06 AM 31 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Senator Rust seconded the motion
02/16 11:07 AM 31 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Roll call vote -Motion passed 5-0-0
02/16 11:07 AM 31 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Senator Meyer motioned DO PASS as Amended
02/16 11:07 AM 31 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Senator Rust seconded the motion
02/16 11:08 AM 31 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Roll call vote - Motion passed 5-0-0
02/16 11:08 AM 31 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Senator Meyer will carry the bill
02/16 07:14 PM 31 Senate Appropriations SB 2018
02/16 07:14 PM 31 Senate Appropriations Senator Meyer introduced the bill and proposed an amendment 23027201002 #21047
02/16 07:25 PM 31 Senate Appropriations Senator Meyer moved to adopt amendment LC 23027201002
02/16 07:25 PM 31 Senate Appropriations Senator Kreun seconded
02/16 07:25 PM 31 Senate Appropriations Roll call vote - Motion passed 16-0-0
02/16 07:26 PM 31 Senate Appropriations Senator Meyer Motioned DO PASS as Amended
02/16 07:26 PM 31 Senate Appropriations Senator Sorvaag seconded
02/16 07:26 PM 31 Senate Appropriations Roll call vote - Motion passed 16-0-0
02/16 07:27 PM 31 Senate Appropriations Senator Meyer will carry
02/20 02:28 PM 33 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2018 - Appropriations - Do Pass 23.0272.01000
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02/20 02:28 PM 33 Senate Senator Meyer 23.0272.01000
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02/20 02:33 PM 33 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2018 - Appropriations - Do Pass 23.0272.02000
02/20 02:34 PM 33 Senate Senator Meyer 23.0272.02000
02/20 02:36 PM 33 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2018 - Appropriations - Do Pass - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 46 Nay 1 N/V 0 Exc 0 23.0272.02000
03/03 08:59 AM 36 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Chairman Nathe called the meeting order, roll call taken
03/03 09:02 AM 36 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2018 - Open Hearing -
03/03 09:03 AM 36 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Bill Peterson - Director - State Historical Society - In Favor -
03/03 09:12 AM 36 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Bill Peterson - Director - State Historical Society
03/03 09:14 AM 36 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Bill Peterson - Director - State Historical Society
03/03 09:23 AM 36 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Martinson - District 35 -
03/03 09:23 AM 36 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Bill Peterson - Director - State Historical Society -
03/03 09:29 AM 36 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Bill Peterson - Director - State Historical Society -
03/03 09:34 AM 36 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Nathe - District 30 -
03/03 09:34 AM 36 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Bill Peterson - Director - State Historical Society -
03/03 09:39 AM 36 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Bill Peterson - Director - State Historical Society -
03/03 09:41 AM 36 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Bill Peterson - Director - State Historical Society -
03/03 09:43 AM 36 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Bill Peterson - Director - State Historical Society -
03/03 09:43 AM 36 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Bill Peterson - Director - State Historical Society -
03/03 09:47 AM 36 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Bill Peterson - Director - State historical Society -
03/03 10:02 AM 36 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Closed hearing on SB2018
03/21 08:38 AM 48 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2018
03/21 08:38 AM 48 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Hanson - District 44 - Bill carrier update -
03/21 09:06 AM 48 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Recess
03/21 09:16 AM 48 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Nathe - Call to Order-
03/21 09:16 AM 48 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division No video available 9 16 07 to 9 17 32 AM
03/21 09:16 AM 48 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Bill Peterson - Director - State Historical Society - Microphone off 9 16 54 to 9 18 04 AM
03/21 09:53 AM 48 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Recess 10 min
03/30 03:32 PM 55 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Martinson - District 35 - Proposed Marmarth 200K - Cows and Creamery - Military Museum 300K -
03/30 03:32 PM 55 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2018
03/31 09:31 AM 56 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Committee Work - SB 2018
03/31 09:32 AM 56 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Hanson - District 44 - Bill Carrier
03/31 09:48 AM 56 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Hanson - Moves to adopt amendment - 6/4 Salaries- Addition of 1.5 FTEs- One time funding, spending authority and add study
03/31 09:49 AM 56 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Swiontek - District 10 - Seconds Motion
03/31 09:49 AM 56 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Roll call Vote on Amendment - Motion Passes - 6-1-0
03/31 09:50 AM 56 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Hanson - Moves to pass Study for Protection of Historical Sites - 23 0272 02002
03/31 09:50 AM 56 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Richter - District 1 - Seconds motion
03/31 09:51 AM 56 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Roll Call Vote on Study - Motion Fails - 1-6-0
03/31 09:51 AM 56 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Hanson - District 44 - Move to pass as amended
03/31 09:51 AM 56 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Martinson - District 35 - Seconds Motion
03/31 09:52 AM 56 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Roll Call Vote on Do Pass as Amended - Motion Passes - 6-1-0
03/31 09:52 AM 56 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Hanson will carry the bill
04/07 09:10 AM 61 House Appropriations Committee Work - SB 2018
04/07 09:11 AM 61 House Appropriations Representative Hanson Explains Amendment LC# 23.0272.02001
04/07 09:23 AM 61 House Appropriations Representative Hanson Moves Amendment 23.0272.02001
04/07 09:23 AM 61 House Appropriations Representative Nathe Seconds
04/07 09:24 AM 61 House Appropriations Roll Call Vote on Amendment - Motion Passes - 18-2-3
04/07 09:25 AM 61 House Appropriations Representative Schatz Moves to Amend by Removing the Funding for Whitestone Monument and Replace it with a Study of the Funding
04/07 09:33 AM 61 House Appropriations Motion Fails Due to a Lack of a Second
04/07 09:35 AM 61 House Appropriations Representative Hanson Moves Do Pass as Amended
04/07 09:35 AM 61 House Appropriations Representative Brandenburg Seconds
04/07 09:35 AM 61 House Appropriations Roll Call Vote on Do Pass as Amended - Motion Passes - 17-3-3
04/07 09:36 AM 61 House Appropriations Representative Hanson Carries
04/11 08:34 AM 63 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2018 - Appropriations - Do Pass 23.0272.03000
04/11 08:34 AM 63 House Representative Hanson 23.0272.03000
04/11 08:40 AM 63 House Representative D. Ruby 23.0272.03000
04/11 08:42 AM 63 House Representative Schatz 23.0272.03000
04/11 08:42 AM 63 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2018 - Appropriations - Do Pass - Votes Required 48: PASSED - Yea 58 Nay 31 N/V 5 Exc 0 23.0272.03000
04/19 04:30 PM 67 Conference Committee SB 2018
04/19 04:34 PM 67 Conference Committee Long Sheet #27723
04/19 04:40 PM 67 Conference Committee Bill Peterson - Director for The State Historical Society answered questions
04/19 04:43 PM 67 Conference Committee Meeting adjourned
04/21 11:00 AM 69 Conference Committee SB 2018
04/21 11:04 AM 69 Conference Committee General Discussion
04/21 11:06 AM 69 Conference Committee Bill Peterson - Director for The State Historical Society - Gave verbal testimony
04/21 11:12 AM 69 Conference Committee Representative Martinson moved to amend SB 2018
04/21 11:12 AM 69 Conference Committee Representative Richter seconded
04/21 11:13 AM 69 Conference Committee Roll call vote to amend SB 2018 - failed- 3-3-0
04/21 11:15 AM 69 Conference Committee meeting adjourned
04/21 02:00 PM 69 Conference Committee SB 2018
04/21 02:12 PM 69 Conference Committee Representative Martinson moved to amend
04/21 02:12 PM 69 Conference Committee Representative Hanson seconded
04/21 02:13 PM 69 Conference Committee Roll call vote to amend - Failed - 4-2-0
04/22 10:32 AM Conference Committee SB 2018
04/22 10:32 AM Conference Committee Roll call
04/22 10:32 AM Conference Committee Senator Meyer opened discussion
04/22 10:39 AM Conference Committee Representative Martinson - moved to increase funding up to 3.25 million for the historic building improvements
04/22 10:39 AM Conference Committee Representative Hanson seconded
04/22 10:39 AM Conference Committee Roll call vote 6-0-0
04/22 10:40 AM Conference Committee Hanson moved to add line of credit for $20 million for the military museum
04/22 10:40 AM Conference Committee Senator Sorvaag seconded
04/22 10:40 AM Conference Committee Roll call vote 6-0-0
04/22 10:41 AM Conference Committee Senator Sorvaag motioned to go forward with the discussed changes
04/22 10:41 AM Conference Committee Representative Martinson seconded
04/22 10:42 AM Conference Committee Roll call vote 6-0-0
04/22 10:42 AM Conference Committee Senator Sorvaag moved the bill
04/22 10:42 AM Conference Committee Representative Martinson seconded
04/22 10:42 AM Conference Committee Roll call vote 6-0-0
04/22 10:43 AM Conference Committee Senator Meyer carries SB 2018
04/25 12:31 PM 71 Senate 7th Order - Consideration of Committee Report - SB2018 - Appropriations - Conference Committee 23.0272.02000
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04/25 12:31 PM 71 Senate Senator Meyer 23.0272.02000
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04/25 12:33 PM 71 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2018 - Appropriations - Conference Committee 23.0272.04000
04/25 12:34 PM 71 Senate Senator Meyer 23.0272.04000
04/25 12:35 PM 71 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2018 - Appropriations - Conference Committee - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 45 Nay 2 N/V 0 Exc 0 23.0272.04000
04/26 08:29 AM 72 House 7th Order - Consideration of Committee Report - SB2018 - Appropriations - Conference Committee 23.0272.02000
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04/26 08:29 AM 72 House Representative Hanson 23.0272.02000
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04/26 08:31 AM 72 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2018 - Appropriations - Conference Committee 23.0272.04000
04/26 08:32 AM 72 House Representative Hanson 23.0272.04000
04/26 08:32 AM 72 House Representative D. Ruby 23.0272.04000
04/26 08:33 AM 72 House Representative Bellew 23.0272.04000
04/26 08:34 AM 72 House Representative Pyle 23.0272.04000
04/26 08:34 AM 72 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2018 - Appropriations - Conference Committee - Votes Required 48: PASSED - Yea 70 Nay 22 N/V 2 Exc 0 23.0272.04000