Session Laws - Cities

Category Chapter
Connection or Reconnection of Utility Services 108
Cooperative Purchasing Pursuant to a Joint Powers Agreement 110
Creation of the Northwest Area Water Supply Authority 575
Prohibition of Ranked-choice Voting 586
Voting Systems, Devices, Absentee Voting 204
Jurisdiction of Municipal Judge 368
Law Enforcement
Back the Blue Grants 30
Peace Officers Acting Outside Jurisdiction 302
Local Revenue Loss Reimbursement Fund 549
Opioid Settlement Advisory Committee 416
Ordinances and Zoning
Firearms 194
Floodplain Management Ordinances Enforcement 573
Renaissance Zones 370
Prohibition on Local Development by a Foreign Adversary 109
Limitations on Use of Government Property 158
Prohibition on Owning Real Property by a Foreign Adversary 109
Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance 111
Regional Emergency Management Organizations 333
Repeal Rural Growth Incentive Program 478
Annual Reports Regarding Libraries 477
Restrictions on Adult-oriented Performances 130
Snow Removal Grants 61
Publication of Equalization Meetings 530
Requirements for Cities Granting Property Tax Incentives 367
Rural Ambulance Duty Discharge and Taxes Levied 114
Rural Ambulance Service Districts and Taxes Levied 115
Tax Lien Foreclosures 536
Term of Office of City Commissioners, City Council Members, and Park District Commissioners and Meeting Dates 366
Traffic Fees
Adding Penalty to Traffic Signs Prohibiting Engine Brakes and Vehicle Noise 107
Transfers of Deeds Pursuant to a Judgment 530
Veterans Memorial Bridge 260
Home Rule and Limitation on Authority Regarding Firearms 106
Limitation on Authority Regarding Firearms 106
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