Session Laws - Labor and Employment

2023 Regular Session (68th Legislative Assembly)

Labor and Employment - see also Public Employees; State Employ

Category Chapter
Centralization of Administration of Occupational Boards 317
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation - Job Shadowing 476
Income Tax Credit for Qualified Compensation Paid to an Apprentice 541
Individual Retirement and Employee Benefit Trusts 561
Labor Exceptions for Minors Performing Sports-attendant Services 319
Minors Working in Construction 318
Transportation Network Company Driver as Independent Contractor 365
Covid-19 and Experimental Vaccinations 249
Discrimination Based on Vaccination Status 248
Veterans Preference
Definition of Veteran and Required Documentation When Claiming Veterans' Preference for Employment 337
Refusing Veterans' Preference 338
Workers' Compensation
Exclusions From the Term Employee Relating to Athletes 580
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