All Topics 2023 Regular Session (68th Legislative Assembly) United States - see also Congress; President Category Chapter Appraisal of Land Conveyed to United States 150 Commercial Drivers License Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse 351 Congress and United States Mint Urged to Issue Coins Commemorating Theodore Roosevelt 626 Congress Urged to Provide for Inclusion of Names on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall 604 Congress Urged to Recognize Natural Gas and Nuclear Energy as Environmentally Sustainable Economic Activities 610 Congress Urged to Refrain From Enacting Regulations Threatening Electric Power 608 Congress Urged to Support Policies to Increase Oil Refining Capacity 602 Encourage Purchase of United States Flags Made Out of Hemp 601 International Climate Control Regulations 253 International Health Regulations 246 Military Defined Terms 325 Postmaster General Urged to Issue Postage Stamp Commemorating Theodore Roosevelt 627 Recognize Anniversary of the Ratification of the Good Friday Agreement 631 Requests to Expend Federal Funds 472 Secretary of the Interior and Director of National Park Service Urged to Modify Proposed Livestock Management Plan in Theodore Roosevelt National Park 630 Theodore Roosevelt National Park Maintenance 267 Wild and Scenic River Designation 568 Back to Top