HB 1448 - Video

A Amendment S SPA
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/20 11:53 AM 8 House Industry, Business and Labor HB 1448 Postponed Until This Afternoon
01/20 04:21 PM 8 House Industry, Business and Labor HB 1448
01/20 04:32 PM 8 House Industry, Business and Labor Jerry Rostad - Vice Chancellor - ND University System - In Favor - #29937
01/20 04:42 PM 8 House Industry, Business and Labor Corey Mock - NDIT - Neutral
01/20 04:46 PM 8 House Industry, Business and Labor Closed the Hearing
01/20 04:46 PM 8 House Industry, Business and Labor Meeting Adjourned
01/29 11:36 AM 15 House Industry, Business and Labor Committee Work - HB 1448
01/29 11:36 AM 15 House Industry, Business and Labor Discussion
01/29 11:42 AM 15 House Industry, Business and Labor jo
01/29 11:47 AM 15 House Industry, Business and Labor Roll Call On a Do Pass 9-3-2 Motion Passed
01/29 11:48 AM 15 House Industry, Business and Labor Recess
02/13 09:26 AM 26 House Appropriations Committee Work: HB 1448
02/14 08:25 AM 27 House Appropriations Committee Work - HB 1448
02/18 08:11 AM 29 House Appropriations Committee Work: HB 1448
02/21 02:52 PM 32 House Appropriations Committee Work - HB 1448
02/21 03:52 PM 32 House Appropriations Committee Work - HB 1448
02/21 03:53 PM 32 House Appropriations Roll Call Vote 20-0-3 Motion Carries
02/21 03:54 PM 32 House Appropriations HB 1448
02/21 03:54 PM 32 House Appropriations Roll Call Vote 20-0-3 Motion Carries
02/25 07:53 PM 34 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1448 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.0883.02000
02/25 07:53 PM 34 House Representative Bosch 25.0883.02000
02/25 07:55 PM 34 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1448 - Appropriations - Do Pass - Votes Required 48: PASSED - Yea 88 Nay 0 N/V 5 Exc 0 25.0883.02000