Member Video Inquiry - Representative Satrom

Video Inquiry

Biography for Representative Satrom
69th Legislative Assembly (2025-27)

Video Index for Representative Satrom, Bernie

A Amendment
E Engrossment

Total Videos:  111
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/23 08:54 AM 13 Senate Human Services Representative Satrom introduced the bill in favor
01/08 10:04 AM House Judiciary Representative Satrom Moved to Amend Wording on Page 1 Line 8 to Delete the wording- "The Majority" and replace with "Unanimous"
01/08 10:13 AM House Judiciary Representative Satrom Seconds Motion to Amend
01/08 10:54 AM House Judiciary Representative Satrom Seconded Do Pass
01/08 11:00 AM House Judiciary Representative Satrom Seconded Motion
01/08 03:22 PM House Judiciary Representative Satrom Seconded
01/09 09:40 AM House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom - Moved to Reconsider
01/10 08:54 AM 2 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom - Moved Do Pass
01/14 02:11 PM 4 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1046 - Judiciary - Do Not Pass 25.8023.02000
01/20 10:14 AM 8 House Judiciary Representative Satrom - ND Representative District 12 - Introduced Bill
01/21 09:00 AM 9 House Industry, Business and Labor Representative Satrom - Introduced Bill - In Favor
01/21 09:31 AM 9 House Industry, Business and Labor Representative Satrom - Introduced Bill - In Favor
01/22 09:29 AM 10 House Human Services Representative Satrom - Introduced Bill
01/22 01:08 PM 10 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HCR3002 - Judiciary - Do Not Pass 25.3024.02000
01/22 03:27 PM 10 House Judiciary Representative Satrom Moved to Reconsider
01/23 11:52 AM 11 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom - Moved to amend
01/23 11:53 AM 11 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom - Moved do pass as amended
01/23 01:29 PM 11 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1377 - Finance and Taxation - Do Pass 25.0517.03000
01/23 02:29 PM 11 House Political Subdivisions Representative Satrom Introduces the Bill
01/23 05:30 PM 11 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom - Moved do pass
01/24 10:43 AM 12 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom - Moved Do Not Pass
01/24 10:48 AM 12 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom - Seconded
01/24 10:49 AM 12 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom - Moved to adopt amendment #?
01/24 10:49 AM 12 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom - Seconded
01/24 10:58 AM 12 House Political Subdivisions Representative Satrom - ND Representative District 12 - Introduced Bill
01/24 11:04 AM 12 House Transportation Representative Satrom - District 12 - Introduced the Bill
01/27 02:54 PM 13 House Judiciary Representative Wolff Seconded
01/27 04:06 PM 13 House Judiciary Representative Satrom Seconded
01/27 04:21 PM 13 House Judiciary Representative Satrom Moved to Amend to Change Wording of "minor" to "individual"
01/28 09:02 AM 14 House Judiciary Representative Satrom - ND Republican District 12 - Introduced Bill
01/28 09:02 AM 14 House Judiciary Representative Satrom
01/28 10:02 AM 14 House Judiciary Representative Satrom - ND Representative District 12- Introduced Bill
01/28 10:30 AM 14 House Judiciary Representative Satrom - ND Republican District 12 - Introduced Bill
01/28 01:39 PM 14 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1259 - Transportation - Do Pass 25.0767.02000
01/28 03:19 PM 14 House Industry, Business and Labor Representative Satrom - Introduces Bill - In Favor
01/28 04:05 PM 14 House Judiciary Representative Satrom Seconded
01/30 08:56 AM 16 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom - Seconded
01/30 09:01 AM 16 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom - Moved the Amendment
01/30 09:13 AM 16 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom carried the bill
01/30 01:43 PM 16 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1361 - Judiciary - Do Pass 25.0961.01000
02/03 03:46 PM 18 House Judiciary Representative Satrom Moved to Amend to Changed to a Flat Amount of $1000000
02/03 03:52 PM 18 House Judiciary Representative Satrom Seconded
02/05 09:28 AM 20 House Finance and Taxation Representative Satrom - District 12 - Introduced the Bill
02/05 03:24 PM 20 House Judiciary Representative Satrom Seconded
02/06 09:47 AM 21 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom - Seconded
02/06 09:49 AM 21 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom - Seconded
02/06 09:50 AM 21 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom - Seconded
02/06 11:59 AM 21 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom - Moved Do Not Pass
02/10 11:07 AM 23 House Judiciary Representative Satrom Moved a Do Not Pass & Put on Consent Calendar
02/12 02:18 PM 25 House 17th Order - Announcements
02/13 09:33 AM 26 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom moved a Do Not Pass
02/13 09:48 AM 26 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom - Seconded
02/13 09:52 AM 26 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom moved Do Not Pass
02/13 10:00 AM 26 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom moved the amendment
02/13 10:04 AM 26 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom moved amendment
02/13 10:10 AM 26 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom moved the amendment
02/13 10:16 AM 26 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom seconded
02/13 10:46 AM 26 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom moved the amendment
02/13 10:48 AM 26 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom moved a Do Pass as Amended
02/13 02:44 PM 26 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom moved amendment
02/13 03:20 PM 26 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom moved a Do Not Pass
02/13 03:20 PM 26 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom withdrew the motion
02/13 03:44 PM 26 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom moved amendment
02/13 07:02 PM 26 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1286 - Government and Veterans Affairs - Do Not Pass 25.0486.01000
02/14 09:36 AM 27 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom seconded
02/14 09:39 AM 27 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom seconded
02/14 10:25 AM 27 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom seconded
02/14 12:52 PM 27 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1242 - Judiciary - Do Pass 25.0350.03000
02/14 02:36 PM 27 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1330 - Industry, Business and Labor - Do Pass 25.0779.02000
02/17 02:10 PM 28 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1255 - Appropriations - Do Not Pass 25.0762.01000
02/18 08:51 AM 29 House Judiciary Representative Satrom Moved to Adopt Amendment and proposed changes
02/18 09:11 AM 29 House Judiciary Representative Satrom Proposed Amendment #37966
02/18 09:53 AM 29 House Judiciary Representative Satrom Revised Amendment #37966 & Include proposed changes to page 12 line 9- page 14 lines 10 & 11- Page 16 Lines 11-12-18
02/18 10:01 AM 29 House Judiciary Representative Satrom Moved a Do Pass as Amended
02/18 05:59 PM 29 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1029 - Government and Veterans Affairs - Do Pass 25.0376.04000
02/19 03:55 PM 30 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1445 - Government and Veterans Affairs - Do Not Pass 25.0714.02000
02/20 09:15 AM 31 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom - Moved the Amendment
02/20 09:23 AM 31 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom - Moved to Reconsider the Action
02/20 09:24 AM 31 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom - Withdrew the Motion
02/20 09:52 AM 31 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom - Moved the Amendments
02/20 10:36 AM 31 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom - Seconded
02/20 11:41 AM 31 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom - Seconded
02/20 03:14 PM 31 House Agriculture Representative Satrom-In Favor
02/21 09:23 AM 32 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom - Moved Amendment
02/21 11:04 AM 32 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom - Seconded
02/21 11:15 AM 32 Senate Transportation Representative Satrom - District 12 - Introduced Bill
02/24 10:08 AM 33 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1489 - Judiciary - Do Pass 25.0903.03000
02/24 11:13 AM 33 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1514 - Agriculture - Do Not Pass 25.1002.03000
02/24 11:34 AM 33 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1409 - Judiciary - Do Not Pass 25.0893.02000
02/24 11:45 AM 33 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1409 - Judiciary - Do Not Pass 25.0893.02000
02/24 03:56 PM 33 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1245 - Government and Veterans Affairs - Do Not Pass 25.0652.01000
02/24 06:46 PM 33 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1257 - Government and Veterans Affairs - Do Pass 25.0775.02000
02/25 08:48 AM 34 House Judiciary Representative Satrom Moved to Adopt Amendment #38385
02/25 08:55 AM 34 House Judiciary Representative Satrom Moved a Do Pass as Amended
02/25 02:43 PM 34 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1425 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.1149.02000
02/25 07:17 PM 34 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1446 - Government and Veterans Affairs - Do Not Pass 25.0267.03000
03/05 10:51 AM Senate Human Services Representative Satrom introduced the Bill in Favor
03/07 10:52 AM 35 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom - Moved Do Pass and Rerefer to Appropriations
03/07 11:01 AM 35 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom - Moved Do Pass
03/07 11:06 AM 35 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom - Seconded
03/10 02:33 PM 36 Senate Industry and Business Representative Satrom - Senator from District 12 - Introduced the Bill - In Favor - #40093
03/10 03:48 PM 36 House Judiciary Representative Satrom Moved a Do Not Pass
03/11 09:01 AM 37 Senate Judiciary Representative Satrom - Introduced Bill
03/11 02:09 PM 37 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2130 - Government and Veterans Affairs - Do Pass 25.8101.02000
03/11 02:48 PM 37 House Judiciary Representative Satrom Seconded
03/11 03:37 PM 37 House Judiciary Representative Satrom Moved a Do Pass
03/12 01:47 PM 38 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2365 - Judiciary - Do Not Pass 25.1351.02000
03/12 02:59 PM 38 House Judiciary Representative Satrom Moved a Do Pass
03/13 12:39 PM 39 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SCR4018 - Government and Veterans Affairs - Do Pass 25.3075.02000
03/14 09:01 AM 40 Senate Workforce Development Representative Satrom Introduced the bill in Favor
03/14 01:10 PM 40 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2285 - Judiciary - Do Pass 25.1100.02000