Member Video Inquiry - Representative Longmuir

Video Inquiry

Biography for Representative Longmuir
69th Legislative Assembly (2025-27)

Video Index for Representative Longmuir, Donald W.

A Amendment
E Engrossment

Total Videos:  34
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/15 10:02 AM 5 House Education Representative Longmuir introduced the bill In Favor - #28661
01/17 09:38 AM 7 House Energy and Natural Resources Representative Longmuir introduced the bill In Favor - #28745
01/21 02:41 PM 9 House Education Representative Longmuir seconded the motion
01/21 02:52 PM 9 House Education Representative Longmuir moved Do Pass as Amended
01/22 02:56 PM 10 House Education Representative Longmuir seconded the motion
01/22 03:20 PM 10 House Education Representative Longmuir seconded
01/22 03:25 PM 10 House Education Representative Longmuir seconded
01/28 04:18 PM 14 House Education Representative Longmuir moved Do Pass
01/29 01:24 PM 15 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1171 - Political Subdivisions - Do Not Pass 25.0251.02000
01/30 10:36 AM 16 House Political Subdivisions Representative Longmuir - ND Representative District 2 - Introduced Bill - Testimony #32364
01/30 02:32 PM 16 House 17th Order - Announcements
02/03 10:52 AM 18 House Education Representative Longmuir moved Do Pass as Amended
02/03 03:26 PM 18 House Education Representative Longmuir seconded the motion
02/04 02:43 PM 19 House Education Representative Longmuir seconded
02/06 01:47 PM 21 House 17th Order - Announcements
02/10 12:44 PM 23 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1433 - Human Services - Do Not Pass 25.1048.01000
02/10 02:48 PM 23 House Appropriations Representative Longmuir Introduces the Bill
02/10 03:08 PM 23 House Appropriations Representative Longmuir Introduces the Bill - #36805
02/10 04:12 PM 23 House Appropriations Representative Longmuir Introduces the Bill - #36831
02/13 07:35 PM 26 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HCR3012 - Finance and Taxation - Do Pass 25.3057.01000
02/17 02:59 PM 28 House Education Representative Longmuir seconded the motion
02/18 09:01 AM 29 Senate Education Representative Longmuir - Legislative Assembly - In Favor - Testimony #37927
02/18 09:07 AM 29 House Education Representative Longmuir seconded the motion
02/18 11:31 AM 29 House Appropriations Representative Longmuir Introduces the Bill
02/18 02:32 PM 29 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HCR3020 - Political Subdivisions - Do Not Pass 25.3069.03000
02/19 09:02 AM 30 House Education Representative Longmuir moved Reconsider
02/19 04:31 PM 30 House 17th Order - Announcements
02/20 02:56 PM 31 House 17th Order - Announcements
02/21 10:00 AM 32 House Education Representative Longmuir moved to reconsider actions
03/13 09:01 AM 39 Senate Workforce Development Representative Longmuir Introduced the Bill in Favor - #41280
03/20 09:02 AM 44 Senate Energy and Natural Resources Representative Longmuir - Introduced Bill - Testimony#42987
03/20 02:47 PM 44 House Political Subdivisions Representative Longmuir Moved to put on consent calendar- No Objections- Motion Carries
03/21 09:10 AM 45 House Political Subdivisions Representative Longmuir moved to place on consent calendar- no objections- Motion carries
03/24 09:10 AM 46 House Appropriations Representative Longmuir Introduced the Bill