Member Video Inquiry - Representative Lefor

Video Inquiry

Biography for Representative Lefor
69th Legislative Assembly (2025-27)

Video Index for Representative Lefor, Mike

A Amendment
E Engrossment

Total Videos:  38
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/13 01:04 PM 3 House 4th Order - Petitions and Communications
01/14 09:18 AM 4 House Finance and Taxation Representative Lefor testified In Favor - #28956
01/14 02:12 PM 4 House 17th Order - Announcements
01/16 01:38 PM 6 House 17th Order - Announcements
01/17 09:45 AM 7 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Lefor - Introduced Bill - #29778
01/20 01:16 PM 8 House 4th Order - Petitions and Communications
01/21 01:38 PM 9 House 17th Order - Announcements
01/22 10:36 AM 10 House Education Representative Lefor introduced the bill In Favor - #30721
01/23 02:47 PM 11 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Lefor - Testified in support - #31099
01/24 09:59 AM 12 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Lefor - Introduced Bill - #31292
01/24 12:34 PM 12 House 17th Order - Announcements
01/29 01:55 PM 15 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HCR3003 - Government and Veterans Affairs - Do Pass 25.3037.02000
01/31 10:20 AM 17 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Lefor - Introduced the bill #33212
02/05 09:01 AM 20 House Finance and Taxation Representative Lefor - District 37 - Introduced the Bill - #35281
02/05 09:01 AM 20 House Finance and Taxation Representative Lefor - Additional Testimony - #35279
02/07 10:16 AM 22 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Lefor - Testified in support #36201
02/11 07:17 PM 24 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1390 - Finance and Taxation - Do Not Pass 25.1050.01000
02/13 01:47 PM 26 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1590 - Education - Do Not Pass 25.0861.01000
02/13 02:00 PM 26 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1540 - Education - Do Not Pass 25.1055.03000
02/14 12:34 PM 27 House 2nd Order - Calling The Roll
02/17 12:37 PM 28 House 4th Order - Petitions and Communications
02/17 03:43 PM 28 House Appropriations Representative Lefor #37904
02/17 03:43 PM 28 House Appropriations Representative Lefor - Amendment LC# 25.1003.03002 - #37907
02/18 10:00 AM 29 Senate Education Representative Lefor - Legislative Assembly - Introduced Bill - In Favor - Testimony #37970
02/21 01:49 PM 32 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1408 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.0902.02000
02/24 10:03 AM 33 House 4th Order - Petitions and Communications
02/25 04:37 PM 34 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1176 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.1003.04000
02/25 06:00 PM 34 House 4th Order - Petitions and Communications
02/25 08:24 PM 34 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1540 - Appropriations - Do Not Pass 25.1055.04000
02/25 10:28 PM 34 House 17th Order - Announcements
03/06 10:07 AM Senate State and Local Government Representative Lefor - Legislative Assembly - Introduced HB1146 - Testimony #39232
03/07 08:30 AM 35 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Mike Lefor- Representative - ND State Legislator - Testified In Favor - #39535
03/07 08:30 AM 35 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Mike Lefor - Additional Testimony - #39534
03/07 10:02 AM 35 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Lefor
03/11 10:08 AM 37 Senate Education Representative Lefor - Legislative Assembly - In Favor - Testimony #40495
03/17 04:19 PM 41 Senate Appropriations Representative Lefor Provided Information
03/18 01:10 PM 42 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SCR4007 - Government and Veterans Affairs - Do Pass 25.3051.02000
03/25 01:08 PM 47 House 4th Order - Petitions and Communications