Member Video Inquiry - Representative Weisz

Video Inquiry

Biography for Representative Weisz
69th Legislative Assembly (2025-27)

Video Index for Representative Weisz, Robin

A Amendment
E Engrossment

Total Videos:  8
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/08 10:17 AM Senate Human Services Representative Weisz - Testified in Favor
01/16 10:49 AM 6 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Weisz - Introduced Bill
01/20 10:00 AM 8 House Human Services Representative Weisz - Introduced the bill
01/22 09:29 AM 10 House Industry, Business and Labor Representative Weisz - Introduced Bill - In Favor
01/28 10:29 AM 14 House Finance and Taxation Representative Weisz - District 14 - In Favor
01/28 10:36 AM 14 House Finance and Taxation Representative Weisz - District 14 - Introduced the Bill - #32148
02/21 10:25 AM 32 House Appropriations Representative Weisz Introduces the Bill LC# 25.1283.02001 - #38311
03/05 09:52 AM Senate Human Services Representative Weisz Introduced the bill in Favor - #38860