Biography for Representative Wagner 69th Legislative Assembly (2025-27) Bills Introduced by Representative Wagner, Scott Total Bills Introduced: 15 Primary Sponsor HB 1482 A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact sections 21-03-04 and 21-03-07 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the requirements of a municipal bond election. Last Official Action Committee Hearing 02:30 on 03/10 Cosponsored Bills House Bills HB 1091 HB 1192 HB 1197 HB 1216 HB 1253 HB 1328 HB 1337 HB 1382 HB 1485 HB 1546 HB 1598 Senate Bills SB 2191 House Concurrent Resolutions HCR 3004 HCR 3022