Major Topic Index - State Water Commission

Category Bill
Conditional Water Permits HB 1042
Culverts and Drains HB 1201
Eligibility for Drought Disaster Livestock Water Assistance Program HB 1040
Hearings and Appeals SB 2059
Irrigation Districts SB 2065
Lake Agassiz Water Authority HB 1162
Meetings HB 1043
Conditional and Perfected Water Permits SB 2141
Permit to Construct or Modify a Dam, Dike, or Other Device HB 1385
Water Conveyance SB 2153
Removal of a Noncomplying Dike, Dam, or Other Device HB 1041
Stream Crossings SB 2118
Drainage Permits HB 1544
Watercourse SB 2044
Water Development Plan HB 1218
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