- Associate Dean, UND School of Medicine
- BSN, UND 1966; M.Ed. University of Washington 1973 and postgraduate work 1974-76; 1992 Martin Luther King, Jr. state award; Red River Valley Community Action Program Board of Directors; Altru Health Systems Community Board; UND Faculty Senate; Intercollegiate Athletics Committee; Board of Directors Valley Health; 1995 Dick Shea Friend of Higher Education Award; Caring Council Advisory Committee; Families First Region IV Board; 1990 Law Women's Caucus Citizen's Award; Advisory Committee Adolescent Group Home; North Dakota Nurses Association; Northern Valley Resource and Referral Board of Directors; League of Women Voters
- Single, 1 child
- House 1983-91; Senate 1993-2000
Contact Information
Grand Forks, ND
United States