15.1-16-01 |
15.1-16-02 |
Education factfinding commission ‑ Appointment ‑ Terms ‑ Quorum
15.1-16-03 |
Education factfinding commission ‑ Compensation
15.1-16-04 |
Education factfinders ‑ Compensation
15.1-16-05 |
Education factfinding commission ‑ Rules ‑ Powers
15.1-16-06 |
Factfinding ‑ Sharing of cost
15.1-16-07 |
Representative organizations ‑ Participation
15.1-16-08 |
Representative organization ‑ Negotiating unit ‑ Right to negotiate
15.1-16-09 |
Scope of representation
15.1-16-10 |
Negotiating unit ‑ Formation
15.1-16-11 |
Representative organization ‑ Selection
15.1-16-12 |
Representative organization ‑ Payroll deduction ‑ Dues
15.1-16-13 |
Good‑faith negotiations
15.1-16-14 |
Impasse ‑ Existence
15.1-16-15 |
Impasse ‑ Resolution
15.1-16-16 |
Participation in a strike ‑ Prohibition
15.1-16-17 |
Discrimination ‑ Prohibition
15.1-16-18 |
Representative organization ‑ Authority
15.1-16-19 |
Sick leave ‑ Accumulation
15.1-16-20 |
North Dakota vision services ‑ School for the blind ‑ School for the deaf ‑ Youth correctional center ‑ Contracts of employment for teachers ‑ Personnel policies
15.1-16-21 |
Salary increase ‑ Unfillable position
15.1-16-22 |
Negotiation strategy and instructions - Executive session