North Dakota Century Code

Chapter 25-01.3

Committee on Protection and Advocacy

Section Section Name
25-01.3-01 Definitions
25-01.3-02 Committee on protection and advocacy
25-01.3-03 Director ‑ Administrative authority
25-01.3-04 Reporting of abuse, neglect, or exploitation ‑ Immunity for good‑faith reports
25-01.3-05 Retaliation ‑ Presumptions ‑ Penalty
25-01.3-06 Authority of project ‑ Annual report
25-01.3-07 Access to records, facilities, and persons ‑ Rules
25-01.3-08 Investigation of reports and complaints
25-01.3-09 Conflict of interest
25-01.3-10 Confidentiality and privileged information
25-01.3-11 Refusal of services ‑ Alternatives
25-01.3-12 Penalties