39-04-01 |
39-04-02 |
Application for the registration of a vehicle ‑ Contents ‑ Penalty
39-04-02.1 |
Change of address
39-04-03 |
Size of tires to be given in application when truck, combination truck, or trailer registered
39-04-04 |
Register of applicants to be kept by the department
39-04-05 |
Grounds for refusing registration
39-04-05.1 |
Refusal to register vehicle ‑ Revoking registration ‑ Appeal
39-04-06 |
When registration rescinded or suspended
39-04-07 |
Department to suspend registration upon notice of theft or embezzlement
39-04-08 |
Number plates furnished by the department
39-04-08.1 |
Assignment of motor vehicle number plates
39-04-09 |
Director may design and issue number plates
39-04-09.1 |
Commemorative Lewis and Clark number plates
39-04-10 |
Special plates for amateur radio station licenseholders
39-04-10.1 |
Manufacturer's plate ‑ Fee
39-04-10.2 |
Special plates for mobility‑impaired individuals
39-04-10.3 |
Personalized plates
39-04-10.4 |
Antique motor vehicles ‑ License and fee ‑ Use
39-04-10.5 |
Prisoner of war plates ‑ Transfer to certain surviving spouses ‑ Retirement
39-04-10.6 |
Registration of motor vehicles owned by collectors
39-04-10.7 |
Special number plates for farm vehicles
39-04-10.8 |
National guard number plates
39-04-10.9 |
Law enforcement plates
39-04-10.10 |
North Dakota veterans' number plates
39-04-10.11 |
Firefighter's association plates
39-04-10.12 |
North Dakota future farmers of America foundation number plates
39-04-10.13 |
Public or nonprofit organization number plate
39-04-10.14 |
North Dakota gold star number plates
39-04-10.15 |
Patriotic number plates
39-04-10.16 |
Special vehicle license plates for volunteer emergency responders, volunteer firefighters, and volunteer search and rescue personnel
39-04-11 |
Display of number plates and tabs
39-04-12 |
Contents of number plates ‑ Size of letters and numerals on plates ‑ Reflectorized ‑ Tabs or stickers
39-04-13 |
Duplicates to be obtained of number plate, tab, sticker, or registration card if lost, mutilated, or illegible ‑ Fee
39-04-14 |
Renewal of registration
39-04-14.1 |
Renewal of registration of motor vehicles under certain weight
39-04-14.2 |
Staggered registration for apportioned vehicles
39-04-14.3 |
Online registration renewal receipt showing compliance with registration is prima facie evidence
39-04-14.4 |
Renewal of motorcycle registration
39-04-15 |
When registration fees become due and delinquent
39-04-15.1 |
Installment registration of vehicles licensed for a gross weight in excess of thirty‑six thousand pounds [16329.33 kilograms] ‑ Delinquencies ‑ Penalty
39-04-16 |
Penalty for delinquent registration fees ‑ Exceptions
39-04-17 |
Certificate of notary showing compliance with registration is prima facie evidence ‑ Penalty
39-04-18 |
Motor vehicles exempt from registration fees ‑ Reciprocal use of state highways by foreign licensed motor vehicles
39-04-18.1 |
Failure to register upon gainful employment
39-04-18.2 |
Temporary motor vehicle registration ‑ Fees
39-04-19 |
Motor vehicle registration fees and mile tax
39-04-19.1 |
Registration of soil and water conservation vehicles
39-04-19.2 |
Electric and plug‑in hybrid vehicle road use fee ‑ Definitions
39-04-20 |
Additional fees required of trucks
39-04-21 |
Fees for motor vehicles first registered in state
39-04-21.1 |
Trailers, semitrailers, farm trailers ‑ Registration fees prorated ‑ Excess weight registration
39-04-22 |
Motor vehicle exceeding registered gross weight for which licensed not to be operated on highway ‑ Exception
39-04-23 |
Registered motor vehicle transporting property may change registration to higher or lower registered gross weight
39-04-24 |
Director to determine weight of motor vehicle when manufacturer's weight unknown
39-04-25 |
When seasonal registration of passenger buses permitted
39-04-26 |
Registration of vehicles transporting property ‑ Based on registered gross weight ‑ Minimum gross weight ‑ Exemption
39-04-27 |
Manufacturer or dealer to give notice of sale or transfer
39-04-28 |
Motor vehicle and motorcycle dealers licenses ‑ Fees ‑ Additional number plates
39-04-29 |
Certificate of title to be delivered
39-04-30 |
Cancellation of licenses
39-04-31 |
Bond required
39-04-31.1 |
Imposing fees in lieu of truck‑mile tax
39-04-32 |
Used car lots ‑ Location
39-04-33 |
Dealer permitting license to be used by another dealer ‑ License revoked ‑ Penalty
39-04-34 |
Dealers to furnish information to registrar
39-04-34.1 |
Transfer of certain powers to public service commission
39-04-35 |
Dealer to file list of used cars with registrar ‑ Fees paid on used cars by dealer
39-04-36 |
Transfer of registered vehicle ‑ Removal of number plates ‑ Transfer of number plates
39-04-37 |
Violations of registration provisions
39-04-38 |
Taxes or fees provided for to be in lieu of other state or local personal property taxes
39-04-39 |
Distribution of registration fees collected
39-04-39.1 |
Distribution to local highway funds
39-04-39.2 |
Refunds of registration fees
39-04-39.3 |
Motor vehicle registration fee collection agreements with home rule cities
39-04-39.4 |
Refund of registration fees
39-04-39.5 |
Allocation of portion of registration fee
39-04-40 |
Officers to enforce the provisions of chapter
39-04-41 |
Penalty for violation of provisions of chapter
39-04-42 |
Construction contract truck registration ‑ Penalty
39-04-43 |
Antique automobile ‑ License and fee
39-04-44 |
Credits on destroyed vehicle
39-04-44.1 |
Transporter's license and registration card
39-04-45 |
Driveaway transporter registration
39-04-46 |
Driveaway transporter registration ‑ Expiration
39-04-47 |
Driveaway transporter registration ‑ Display
39-04-48 |
Driveaway transporter registration ‑ Application
39-04-49 |
Driveaway transporter registration ‑ Fee
39-04-50 |
Motor vehicle department powers
39-04-51 |
39-04-52 |
Driveaway transport license fees ‑ Effect
39-04-53 |
Noncompliance ‑ Effect
39-04-54 |
Registration card ‑ Issuance ‑ Contents ‑ Signing
39-04-55 |
Registration to be carried in or on vehicle ‑ Inspection ‑ Penalty
39-04-56 |
Altering or forging registration card ‑ Penalty