40-33-01 |
Electric light, telephone, natural and artificial gas plants, pipelines and distribution systems, and power plants ‑ Municipalities may purchase, erect, construct, maintain, sell, or lease
40-33-02 |
Acquiring, erecting, or improving plant, system, or line without election prohibited ‑ Exceptions
40-33-03 |
Sale or lease of plant, system, or line ‑ Offer or written proposition ‑ Election ‑ Proceeds
40-33-04 |
Manner of payment of purchase, erection, improvement, or leasing of plant, system, or line
40-33-05 |
Payment of cost of plant, system, or line by special assessment warrants ‑ Payment of assessments ‑ Interest
40-33-06 |
Payment of cost of improvement by general taxation
40-33-07 |
Issuance of bonds ‑ Election required
40-33-08 |
Questions and propositions may be voted upon at same election and may be contained on one ballot
40-33-09 |
Extension of municipal lighting, heating, or power system, or gas works by special assessment method
40-33-10 |
Municipal utilities fund ‑ Contents ‑ Kept separate from other funds ‑ Use and disbursement
40-33-11 |
Payments out of municipal utilities fund ‑ Limitations
40-33-12 |
Surplus in municipal utilities fund ‑ How expended
40-33-13 |
Municipality may sell surplus electricity or water outside of municipal limits
40-33-14 |
Contract to supply surplus water or electricity outside of municipal limits
40-33-15 |
Proceedings instituted under existing law ‑ How completed
40-33-16 |
Municipality may purchase water for distribution
40-33-17 |
City may contract for water treatment plant
40-33-18 |
Resolution authorizing contract ‑ Payment solely through net revenue ‑ Issuance of revenue bonds or of certificates evidencing indebtedness under contract
40-33-19 |
Agreements authorized ‑ Special rates and charges
40-33-20 |
Indebtedness not general obligation of municipality ‑ Conditional sales authorized
40-33-21 |
Powers conferred are supplementary
40-33-22 |
Joint construction and operation of gas transmission or distribution systems or plants
40-33-23 |
Sale of gas outside municipalities
40-33-24 |
Funds of jointly operated utilities
40-33-25 |
Surplus funds of jointly operated utility
40-33-26 |
Municipal transportation system ‑ Resolution
40-33-27 |
Municipal transportation system ‑ Bonds
40-33-28 |
Municipal transportation system ‑ Bond limitations
40-33-29 |
Municipal transportation system ‑ Application ‑ Intent
40-33-30 |
Right of municipal electric utilities and municipal power agencies to construct, own, and maintain electric transmission lines