North Dakota Century Code

Chapter 57-39.10

State-Tribal Alcohol, Tobacco, and Alcoholic Beverages Gross Receipts Tax Agreements

Section Section Name
57-39.10-01 Authority to enter state‑tribal alcoholic beverages wholesale tax, tobacco products wholesale tax, and alcoholic beverages gross receipts tax agreements
57-39.10-02 Requirements for all state‑tribal tax agreements
57-39.10-03 Alcoholic beverages wholesale tax agreement requirements
57-39.10-04 Tobacco products wholesale tax agreement requirements
57-39.10-05 Alcoholic beverages gross receipts tax agreement requirements
57-39.10-06 Inapplicability of chapter 54‑40.2
57-39.10-07 Alcoholic beverages wholesale tax revenue allocation and distribution ‑ Refunds ‑ Continuing appropriation
57-39.10-08 Tobacco products wholesale tax revenue allocation and distribution ‑ Refunds ‑ Continuing appropriation
57-39.10-09 Alcoholic beverages gross receipts tax revenue allocation and distribution ‑ Refunds ‑ Continuing appropriation