Chapter Categories

The Chapter Categories is the online version of the Session Laws derived from the printed version of the Session Laws.

Every bill is placed within a category that reflects the general subject matter of that bill.  Session Laws chapter numbers do not have any relationship to date of enactment.

Selecting the appropriate category will lead you to the bills that are compiled under that category for purposes of publication of the Session Laws.

Combined Chapters

1883 Territory of Dakota Session Laws - Full Book

1883 Territory of Dakota Session Laws - Chapter Categories

General Laws

Acknowledgments (PDF) (Chapter 1)

Agricultural College (PDF) (Chapters 2-4)

Appeals (PDF) (Chapter 5)

Arms (PDF) (Chapter 6)

Apportionment (PDF) (Chapter 7)

Attorney General (PDF) (Chapter 8)

Capital Punishment (PDF) (Chapter 9)

Corporate Stock (PDF) (Chapter 10)

Costs in Civil Actions (PDF) (Chapter 11)

Counties (PDF) (Chapters 12-41)

Depositions (PDF) (Chapter 42)

District Attorneys and Clerks of Court (PDF) (Chapter 43)

Education (PDF) (Chapters 44-46)

Elections (PDF) (Chapters 47-49)

Exemptions (PDF) (Chapter 50)

Fees (PDF) (Chapters 51-54)

Fees and Costs (PDF) (Chapter 55)

Fees and Disbursements (PDF) (Chapter 56)

Fences (PDF) (Chapter 57)

Fire Escapes (PDF) (Chapter 58)

Fish (PDF) (Chapters 59-60)

Foreclosure of Mortgage (PDF) (Chapters 61-62)

Game (PDF) (Chapters 63-64)

Glanders (PDF) (Chapter 65)

Hides (PDF) (Chapter 66)

Highways (PDF) (Chapter 67)

Husband and Wife (PDF) (Chapter 68)

Insurance (PDF) (Chapter 69)

James River (PDF) (Chapter 70)

Judicial Districts (PDF) (Chapter 71)

Jurors (PDF) (Chapters 72-74)


Land Drainage (PDF) (Chapter 75)

Land Drainage Bonds (PDF) (Chapter 76)

Legislative Assembly (PDF) (Chapters 77-80)

Licenses (PDF) (Chapter 81)

Liens (PDF) (Chapters 82-85)

Library (PDF) (Chapter 86)

Obscene Language (PDF) (Chapter 87)

Pardons (PDF) (Chapter 88)

Prisoners (PDF) (Chapter 89)

Public Officers (PDF) (Chapter 90)

Railroads (PDF) (Chapters 91-93)

Rapid Creek (PDF) (Chapter 94)

Registers of Deeds (PDF) (Chapter 95)

Religious Corporations (PDF) (Chapter 96)

Reports of Territorial Officers (PDF) (Chapter 97)

Revenue (PDF) (Chapters 98-99)

Roads (PDF) (Chapters 100-101)

Salaries (PDF) (Chapters 102-103)

Seat of Government (PDF) (Chapter 104)

Security (PDF) (Chapter 105)

Service of Summons (PDF) (Chapter 106)

Taxes (PDF) (Chapter 107)

Tax Commission (PDF) (Chapter 108)

Telegrams (PDF) (Chapter 109)

Telephones (PDF) (Chapter 110)

Texas and Cherokee Cattle (PDF) (Chapter 111)

Township Government (PDF) (Chapters 112-113)

Townsites (PDF) (Chapter 114)

Trespass of Animals (PDF) (Chapter 115)

Wheat (PDF) (Chapter 116)

Special Laws

County Auditor (PDF) (Chapter 1)

Fences (PDF) (Chapter 2)

Fish in Goose River (PDF) (Chapter 3)

Highways (PDF) (Chapter 4)

Insane (PDF) (Chapters 5-7)

Laws (PDF) (Chapter 8)

Legalizing Acts (PDF) (Chapters 9-12)

Normal Schools (PDF) (Chapters 13-22)

Notary Public (PDF) (Chapter 23)

Names of Towns (PDF) (Chapter 24)

Reform School (PDF) (Chapter 25)