Chapter Categories

The Chapter Categories is the online version of the Session Laws derived from the printed version of the Session Laws.

Every bill is placed within a category that reflects the general subject matter of that bill. Within a category, bills generally are arranged in ascending order by North Dakota Revised Code section number, and then a Session Laws chapter number is assigned. Thus, Session Laws chapter numbers do not have any relationship to date of enactment.

Selecting the appropriate category will lead you to the bills that are compiled under that category for purposes of publication of the Session Laws.

Combined Chapters

1953 Session Laws - Full Book

1953 Session Laws - Chapter Categories

Appropriations (Chapters 1-84)

General Provisions (Chapter 85)

Agriculture (Chapters 86-91)

Alcoholic Beverages (Chapters 92-93)

Banks and Banking (Chapters 94-100)

Building and Loan Associations (Chapters 101-102)

Corporations (Chapters 103-109)

Counties (Chapters 110-117)

Crimes and Punishment (Chapters 118-120)

Domestic Relations and Persons (Chapters 121-123)

Education (Chapters 124-145)

Elections (Chapters 146-148)

Fires (Chapters 149-150)

Foods, Drugs, Oils and Compounds (Chapters 151-155)

Game, Fish and Predators (Chapters 156-167)

Governmental Finance (Chapters 168-171)

Health and Safety (Chapters 172-176)

Highways, Bridges and Ferries (Chapters 177-184)

Insane, Feebleminded, Tubercular, Blind and Deaf (Chapters 185-188)

Insurance (Chapters 189-199)

Judicial Branch of Government (Chapters 200-203)

Judicial Procedure, Civil (Chapter 204)

Judicial Procedure, Probate (Chapters 205-210)

Judicial Remedies (Chapters 211-214)

Labor and Employment (Chapters 215-216)

Liens (Chapter 217)

Livestock (Chapters 218-222)

Military (Chapters 223-225)

Mining, Gas and Oil Production (Chapters 226-231)

Motor Vehicles (Chapters 232-252)

Municipal Government (Chapters 253-263)

Occupations and Professions (Chapters 264-269)

Offices and Officers (Chapters 270-271)

Printing Laws (Chapters 272-273)

Property (Chapters 274-280)

Public Building (Chapters 281-282)

Public Utilities (Chapters 283-287)

Public Welfare (Chapters 288-290)

Sales and Exchange (Chapters 291-293)

Social Welfare (Chapters 294-304)

State Government (Chapters 305-307)

Succession and Wills (Chapter 308)

Taxation (Chapters 309-339)

Townships (Chapters 340-341)

Waters (Chapters 342-348)

Weeds (Chapter 349)

Weights, Measures and Grades (Chapter 350)

Workmen's Compensation (Chapters 351-353)

Initiated Measures, Approved (Chapter 354)

Constitutional Amendment Proposed (Chapter 355)

Constitutional Amendments Approved

Constitutional Amendment Disapproved

Initiated Measures, Disapproved

Referred Measure Disapproved

