27th Legislative Assembly - Regular Session (1941)

Regular Session:

Convened Tuesday, January 7, 1941
Adjourned Friday, March 7, 1941

Assembly information prior to the 1997 Legislative Assembly is continuously being added to the legislative branch website.  Therefore, assembly documents and information preceding the 1997 Legislative Assembly may not be available at this time, but may become available in the future.

The 27th Legislative Assembly consisted of a Senate with 49 senators and a House of Representatives with 113 representatives.

Postsession Information

Bill & Resolution Information

Legislator Information

Bill & Resolution Statistics

Bills: 544 Introduced Passed
House 332 176
Senate 212 133
Concurrent Resolutions: 0    
House 0 0
Senate 0 0
Memorial Resolutions: 0    
House 0 0
Senate 0 0
Resolutions: 80    
House 39 27
Senate 41 29
Statistics Totals
Total Bills And Resolutions Introduced 624
Governor Signed 305
Governor Vetoes 4
Vetoes Overridden with 2/3 Majority Vote 0
Item Vetoes (Did Not Affect Entire Bill) 0


*Resolution totals include
Concurrent and Memorial resolutions.