1997 Regular Session (55th Legislative Assembly)
Expiration Date Clause - Bills Carrying
Category | Bill |
Administrative Rules Limited and Authority Study - 8/1/99 | HB 1461 |
Budget Stabilization Fund Transfer - 6/30/99 | HB 1015 |
Coal Conversion Tax for Co2 and Byproducts - Various | SB 2196 |
Devils Lake Outlet Finance Bonds - 7/1/99 | HB 1482 |
Employee Assistance Program Under Pers - 6/30/99 | SB 2034 |
Highways 2 and 85 Project Funding From Oil Taxes - Contingent | SB 2326 |
Mill Levy Limitations Suspended - 12/31/98 | SB 2022 |
North Dakota Education Commission - 7/1/99 | HB 1429 |
Pesticide Container Disposal Program - 7/31/99 | SB 2083 |
Regulatory Reform Review Commission - 12/31/02 | HB 1067 |
Workers' Compensation Disability Benefits - 8/1/99 | HB 1264 |